Suppose T and S are bounded adjointable operators with close range between Hilbert C*-modules, then T S has closed range if and only if Ker(T ) + Ran(S) is an orthogonal summand, if and only if Ker(S * ) + Ran(T * ) is an orthogonal summand. Moreover, if the Dixmier (or minimal) angle between Ran(S) and Ker(T ) ∩ [Ker(T ) ∩ Ran(S)] ⊥ is positive and Ker(S * ) + Ran(T * ) is an orthogonal summand then T S has closed range.
Introduction.The closeness of range of operators is an attractive and important problem which appears in operator theory, especially, in the theory of Fredholm operators and generalized inverses.In this paper we will investigate when the product of two operators with closed range again has closed range. This problem was first studied by Bouldin for bounded operators between Hilbert spaces in [3,4]. Indeed, for Hilbert space operators T, S whose ranges are closed, he proved that the range of T S is closed if and only if the Dixmier (or minimal) angle between Ran(S) and Ker(T ) ∩ [Ker(T ) ∩ Ran(S)] ⊥ is positive, where the Dixmier angle between subspaces M and N of a certain Hilbert space is the angle α 0 (M, N) in [0, π/2] whose cosine is defined by c 0 (M, N) = sup{ x, y : x ∈ M, x ≤ 1 , y ∈ N, y ≤ 1}.Nikaido [24,25] also gave topological characterizations of the problem for the Banach space operators. Recently (Dixmier and Friedrichs) angles between linear subspaces have been studied systematically by Deutsch [7], he also has reconsidered the closeness of range of the product of two operators with closed range. In this note we use C*-algebras techniques to reformulate some results of Bouldin and Deutsch in the framework of Hilbert C*-modules.Some further characterizations of modular operators with closed range are obtained.Hilbert C*-modules are essentially objects like Hilbert spaces, except that the inner product, instead of being complex-valued, takes its values in a C*-algebra. Since the geometry of these modules emerges from the C*-valued inner product, some basic properties of Hilbert 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47A05; Secondary 15A09, 46L08, 46L05.