ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRACT CT CT CT CT: : : : : Wheat and r Wheat and r Wheat and r Wheat and r Wheat and ry y y y ye br e br e br e br e bread ar ead ar ead ar ead ar ead artificially inoculated with molds w tificially inoculated with molds w tificially inoculated with molds w tificially inoculated with molds w tificially inoculated with molds wer er er er ere packed in modified atmospher e packed in modified atmospher e packed in modified atmospher e packed in modified atmospher e packed in modified atmospheres of 0%, es of 0%, es of 0%, es of 0%, es of 0%, 50%, 75%, or 100% C 50%, 75%, or 100% C 50%, 75%, or 100% C 50%, 75%, or 100% C 50%, 75%, or 100% CO O O O O 2 2 2 2 2 balanced with N balanced with N balanced with N balanced with N balanced with N 2 2 2 2 2 , and 3 lev , and 3 lev , and 3 lev , and 3 lev , and 3 levels of r els of r els of r els of r els of residual O esidual O esidual O esidual O esidual O 2 2 2 2 2 , 1%, 0.03%, or <0.01%/O , 1%, 0.03%, or <0.01%/O , 1%, 0.03%, or <0.01%/O , 1%, 0.03%, or <0.01%/O , 1%, 0.03%, or <0.01%/O 2 2 2 2 2 -absorber -absorber -absorber -absorber -absorber, and stor , and stor , and stor , and stor , and stored ed ed ed ed for 30 to 35 d. M for 30 to 35 d. M for 30 to 35 d. M for 30 to 35 d. M for 30 to 35 d. Modified atmospher odified atmospher odified atmospher odified atmospher odified atmosphere packaging (MAP) was quantitativ e packaging (MAP) was quantitativ e packaging (MAP) was quantitativ e packaging (MAP) was quantitativ e packaging (MAP) was quantitatively mor ely mor ely mor ely mor ely more effectiv e effectiv e effectiv e effectiv e effective for r e for r e for r e for r e for ry y y y ye br e br e br e br e bread because few ead because few ead because few ead because few ead because fewer er er er er mold species gr mold species gr mold species gr mold species gr mold species grew at elev ew at elev ew at elev ew at elev ew at elevated C ated C ated C ated C ated CO O O O O 2 2 2 2 2 . H . H . H . H . Ho o o o ow w w w wev ev ev ev ever er er er er, the major r , the major r , the major r , the major r , the major ry y y y ye br e br e br e br e bread contaminant, ead contaminant, ead contaminant, ead contaminant, ead contaminant, P P P P Penicillium r enicillium r enicillium r enicillium r enicillium roquefor oquefor oquefor oquefor oqueforti ti ti ti ti, was the o , was the o , was the o , was the o , was the ov v v v ver er er er er----all most C all most C all most C all most C all most CO O O O O 2 2 2 2 2 -r -r -r -r -resistant mold and only the use of O esistant mold and only the use of O esistant mold and only the use of O esistant mold and only the use of O esistant mold and only the use of O 2 2 2 2 2 -absorber could pr -absorber could pr -absorber could pr -absorber could pr -absorber could prev ev ev ev event gr ent gr ent gr ent gr ent