ContributionsMagdy Selim --organized the trial hypotheses, designed the trial, provided guidance about the data analysis and interpretation and presentation of the data, and drafted most of the sections of the manuscript. Lydia Foster --involved in the statistical analysis and data interpretation, and Contributed to the development and revisions to the manuscript. Claudia Moy --involved in the oversight of the trial conduct and progress Guohua Xi --organized the trial hypotheses, and provided critical revisions to the manuscript. MH, MJ, VS, and WC contributed to recruitment and randomization of trial participants, and provided critical revisions to the manuscript. LM and SG were involved in the design of the trial and provided critical revisions to the manuscript. Casey Norton --provided volumetric measurements of imaging data. Yuko Palesch --involved in the design of the study, statistical analysis and data interpretation, and provided critical revisions to the manuscript. Sharon yeatts --involved in the design of the study, statistical analysis and data interpretation, and contributed to the development and revisions to the manuscript. The idef investigators (see appendix) --contributed to the identification and, when eligible, randomization of trial participants.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTSThis was an investigator-initiated study, funded by the NINDS (U01 NS074425). Deferoxamine Mesylate is a generic drug, and there was no commercial or industrial support for the trial. None of the authors has any competing interests related to the submitted work. MS reports grants from the NIH/NINDS (i-DEF) and the American Heart Association (outside the submitted work), and personal fees for serving on the advisory board of CSL Behring (outside the submitted work) during the conduct of the trial. SDY reports grant support from the NINDS, personal fees from Genentech and other fees from CR Bard Inc. (outside the submitted work) during the conduct of the study. SG, LDF, YP, and GX report grants from the NIH/NINDS. MDH reports personal fees from Merck, nonfinancial support from Hoffmann-La Roche Canada Ltd, grants from Covidien (Medtronic), grants from Boehringer-Ingleheim, grants from Stryker Inc., grants from Medtronic LLC, grants from NoNO Inc., (outside the submitted work); In addition, MDH has a patent Systems and Methods for Assisting in Decision-Making and Triaging for Acute Stroke Patients pending to US Patent office Number: 62/086,077 and owns stock in Calgary Scientific Incorporated, a company that focuses on medical imaging software, is a director of the Canadian Federation of Neurological Sciences, a not-for-profit group and has received grant support from Alberta Innovates Health Solutions, CIHR, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, and NINDS. LM, VS, WC, MJ, CM, and CN have nothing to disclose.