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A study of the structure of differential ideals yields many unsolved problems even for the relatively simple ideal [yP]. It is shown from a simple calculation that y2 -O=0[yP], whence it follows that some power of each yi is in [yP]. The following question was singled out for investigation by J. F. Ritt [3 ]: what is the smallest q such that y = O[yP]? For i= 1, q=2p-1 is stated by him without proof to be the answer. In Part I we give a proof of this result, and in Part II we solve the problem for i =2, p > 2. For arbitrary i we conjecture the answer to be q=(i+1)(p-1)+1.The following notation and results of H. Levi we use extensively. Let P o yy' . . . y'n be a power product (pp.) of degree n d = ,oi i=O and weight iDl Write d =a(p-1)+b where a and b are integers such that O< a, O