The networked image is framed analytically as an expansive onto-epistemological apparatus, a relational socio-technical assemblage, which both limits and creates possibilities for how and what can be thought/known and imagined within it. This is the starting point for our enquiry, through which the networked image can be understood as constituted in the material and social bases of computing, in which infrastructures, codes, algorithms, and bodies are the conduits. Through interactions between humans and machines, the networked image is also a relational object with performative agency (and as such, it can also move or exist beyond the computational). The networked image is a cooperation between the quasi-autonomous operations of software and remediated socio-cultural forms. In this sense, the networked image is multimodal and transmedial, and importantly, it presents a specific manifestation of network relations. A networked image emerges through the network; its existence is intricately entangled and intertwined with software, hardware, code, programmers, platforms, and users. Its distribution process makes the structure, dependencies and meaning of the networked image visible. By following such circular processes, a network, or a state of being networked, enables the image to exist, but is also a constitutive act. These acts are constructed through a complex, intricate, and interrelated system of networks that presents an assemblage of visuality, technology, politics, and social relations. The research problem we are concerned with is formed around understanding what the limits as well as the possibilities of the networked image are within different knowledge fields and practices. (Fig. 1)The term "network" is complex enough, subject to constant slippages in frames of reference and everyday use, and the same holds for the term "image," although more enigmatic in its conceptual and methodological framing. In non-representational discourse the term "image" has acquired a number of highly specific qualifications in order to avoid the reductionism implicit