Densities and ultrasonic propagating velocities of aqueous solutions of a series of nitroamminecobalt(III) complexes have been measured at 25 "C at concentrations less than 0.1 mol kg-l. Partial molar volumes, v2", have been determined by extrapolation of the relationship between 4, -Svm1f2 and m, where S, is the coefficient given by the Debye-Huckel (DH) theory. In this relationship, nearly horizontal slopes have been observed for all samples. Infinite-dilution values of partial molal compressibility, have been evaluated from the linear extrapolation of the empirical plot of 4b against "I2. The concentration dependence of 4b of these complexes is much higher than those observed for ordinary electrolytes of the same valency type. Values of vzo and 4bo assigned to the complex ions [Co(N02),,(NH3),,13-" increase regularly with the number of the ligand NO2-contained in the complex. Analysis of the observed variation of v2" and $bo of complex ions has shown that even for nonelectrolytic complex [CO(NO,)~(NH,),]~ electrostriction should occur in solution. Introduction About 15 years ago, using an ultrasonic interferometer and Ostwald-type pycnometer, we1v2 determined the compressibilities of aqueous solutions of such cobalt complexes as [CO(NH,),& (X = Cl-, Br-, or NO<), [Co(en),]C1, (en = ethylenediamine), and [ C~( d i e n )~] C l~ (dien = diethylenetriamine), etc., and calculated the hydration number of these complex salts. Recent development of