According to FAO's 2018 data, 5.6 million hectares of plums were produced in the world and 3.9 million tons of plums were obtained in this field. In the period of 2009-2018, world plum production area increased by 7.29% and plum production increased by 17.11%. Countries that are important in plum production and their share in production are China (53.84%), Romania (6.68%), Serbia (3.41%), the United States (3.11%) and India (2.15%) (FAO, 2019).Plum ranks third in the world in stone fruit production after olives and peaches. In Turkey, plum production comes after olive, apricot, peach, cherry and cherry production. In 2018, Turkey provides 2.35% share of world production to 296,878 tons of plum production. Turkey has carried 68,140 tons of plum exports of US$ 22.1 million in 2018 (FAO, 2019). According to TURKSTAT data for 2019; 317,946 tons of plums are provided from 8.82 million plum trees in Turkey. Leading plum production regions are Abstract | Plum ranks third in the world in stone fruit production after olives and peaches. In Turkey, plum production comes after olive, apricot, peach, cherry and cherry production. Turkey is among the important plum producing countries of the world. Izmir province has a high potential in terms of climate and geographical features in terms of fruit growing. Leading plum production regions are the Mediterranean Region, the Aegean region, the Marmara Region and the Central Anatolia Region. In the last 10 years, plum production increased by 113.34% and reached 11,373 tons in Izmir. It has been determined that plum production and area will increase in the next five years. Within the scope of the research, cost and profitability of plum production for 2018 were calculated in Izmir province. The data of this paper is derived from Izmir Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry. Total production costs are determined as 4215.74 US$ ha -1 and variable costs as 1496.88 US$ ha -1 . Net profit per decare in plum cultivation was calculated as 816.82 US$ ha -1 , relative profit 1.19 and unit plum cost was calculated as 0.44 US$ ha -1 .