Recently, in connection with the remarkable development of computational technologies for rational drug designs, the necessity has become apparent of rapid measurement or estimation of molecular properties of chemicals having a potential for medical use. In particular, hydrophobicity (as expressed by the logarithm of 1-octanol/water partition coefficient, log P oct ) is identified as one of the most important properties that govern potencies; its prediction has attracted much attention from medicinal chemists, agrochemists and many investigators in various fields such as pharmacology, toxicology, environmental chemistry and food chemistry.
1,2)Instead of measuring log P oct by the standard but time-consuming shake-flask method, reversed-phase chromatography (RP-HPLC) has increasingly been used as a powerful tool to predict log P oct from the readily accessible retention factor, log k, (given by kϭ(t R Ϫt 0 )/t 0 where t 0 and t R express elution times of the non-retained substance and sample, respectively).Extensive studies have been made to establish an optimal RP-HPLC system providing a good linearity between log P oct and log k.3-10) Many workers have used an ODS-type column with methanol-water mobile phases to obtain a normalized parameter, log k W (k W : the retention factor extrapolated to 0% organic modifier), as an alternative to log P oct . 3,5,8) In our experience, this log k W approach works well for non-polar solutes but tends to provide overestimated log P oct values for strong H-acceptors. [10][11][12][13][14][15] From systematic studies of log k obtained under various HPLC conditions for typical heteroaromatic compounds such as (di)azines, furans and thiophenes, we were led to the conclusion that the use of an eluent containing around 50% methanol, which usually provides a more direct correlation with log P oct , is the most convenient and practical procedure for rapid estimation of log P oct provided H-donors (amphiprotic compounds) are treated separately.11-15) Our results so far obtained are illustrated graphically in Fig. 1. This conclusion has been derived from the following results.First, we have shown that, for each series of monosubstituted (di)azines, log P oct can be excellently correlated with log k in different compositions of methanol-water eluents by a general formula Eq. 1 containing two terms correcting for H-bonding effects: 16) log kϭalog P oct ϩrs I ϩsS HA ϩconst.( 1) where the s I parameter represents the Charton's inductive electronic substituent constant, 17) and S HA designates the substituent H-acceptor scale that we have recently defined where the value of S HA is set at unity for H (the unsubstituted * To whom correspondence should be addressed. The use of log k derived from reversed phase (RP)-HPLC retention times provides a convenient method for estimating log P oct values (P oct : 1-octanol/water partition coefficient). In order to establish optimal HPLC conditions, the difference between chromatographic (C18 modified column and aqueous methanol eluents) and bulk solve...