Tetrahedral and octahedral cobalt(II), and square and octahedral nickel(I1) complexes of 1,2-bis(2'-imidazolin-2'-yl)benzene, 1,2-bis(2'-imidazolin-2'-yl)ethane, and some imidazoline ring methyl substituted ligands are reported. The structures are confirmed by three X-ray structural analyses, magnetism, and electronic and vibrational (conventional and far i.r.) spectroscopy. Both cis and trans octahedral complexes of the type M(ligand)z(NCS)z [M = Co(II), Ni(II)] have been characterized, and none of these exhibit splitting of the v(CN)(NCS) absorption in the i.r. spectrum at room temperature. Low temperature studies reveal splitting of the v(CN) band in the cis isomers. Both 13C and I5N satellite absorption is identified. The delocalization of the double bond in the imidazoline rings in these complexes is discussed in terms of the i.r. and X-ray data.Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 48, 3076 (1970) We report here the metal complexing ability calibrant. The U.V. spectra were recorded with a Cary 14 of some novel bidentate ligands containing spectrometer and molecular weight data with a modified Gallenkamp Model 7665K semi-micro ebulliometer, imidazoline rings.the coordination calibrated with azobenzene and with benzoic acid. Infrachemistry of imidazole and its derivatives has red and far i.r. data were obtained with a Beckman IR 12 been extensively investigated (1, 2), studies of its spectrometer, and magnetic susceptibilities, via the Gouy dihydro derivative are restricted to the chemistry method with an Alpha 4 in. magnet calibrated with of 2,2,-bi-2-imidazoline (3). since the dihydro mercury cobalt tetrathiocyanate. Low temperature electronic and vibrational data were obtained with a Beckman ligand is somewhat simpler than imidazole, being V L T -~ Variable Temperature Cell, with quartz (elecnon-aromatic, it was thought that a study of its tronic), o r NaCl (i.r.) windows. Microanalyses were metal complexing ability might prove rewarding. substituted derivative (4, LME) were synthesized TO 1,3-diiminoisoindoline (6) (7.25 g, 0.05 mole) disby the phosphorus pentasulfide catalyzed reaction solved in boiling absolute ethanol, was added ethyleneof ethylenediamine (or 1,2-propanediamine) with diamine (6.2 g, 0.1 mole) and the mixture refluxed until phthalodinitrile or succinonitrile, a standard evolution of ammonia had ceased. The bulk of the solvent was removed by distillation at reduced pressure until route for the preparation Of imidazolines (4). crystallization occurred. The white crystalline product The ethane derivative LE has been reported (5) (6.1 g, 60% yield) was recrystallized from benzene. T h e but the other ligands were previously unknown. pure product melted at 174-175". Reaction of the parent ligands with cobalt and Method B (Based on (7)) nickel salts in alcohol led to the isolation of a 0-Dicyan~benzene (6.4 g, 0.05 mole), ethylenediamine series of square, tetrahedral, and octahedral (6.2 g, 0.1 mole), and a catalytic amount of phosphorus pentasulfide (20 mg) were mixed together. Upon applicacomp...