CH2=C(CH,)C(CH,)=CHZ, 513-81-5; CH,=C(OSiMe,)CH=CH,, 38053-9 1-7; CH,=C(OSiMe,)CH= CHOMe, 59414-23-2; CH3(CHZ),C=CH, 627-19-0; CH3CH2C=CC-H,CH,, 693-02-7; 1,3-~yclopentadiene, 542-92-7; 1,3-~yclohexadiene, 592-57-4; [ [2-(trimethylsilyl)bicyclo[2.2.2]octa-2,5-dien-3-yl]methoxymethylene]pentacarbonylchromium, 923 14-89-1; [ (2,4,5-trimethylcyclohexa-l,4-dien-1-y1)methoxymethylenel tetracarbonylchromium, 923 14-91-5; [ [2-methyl-6-methoxy-4-(trimethylsiloxy)cyclohexa-1,4-dien-lyl)methoxymethylene]pentacarbonylchromium, 923 14-92-6.Spectral and physical characterization of all new compounds in addition to experimental procedures are included (14 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.
Abstract:The photoreduction of N-methylphthalimide (NMP) in the presence of 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene (DMB) gives a pair of products (1 and 2) which could formally arise by hydrogen abstraction by the imide followed by coupling of the resultant radical pair at either of the two allylic positions on the 1,1,2-trimethylallyl radical. Sensitization and quenching studies have shown that these products arise from the singlet state of NMP and not the triplet as previously suggested. Isotope effect studies with deuterium labeled DMB indicate that the reaction most probably proceeds by initial electron transfer to give the radical cation-radical anion pair. The ion pair either colapses to a zwitterionic precursor to 1 (13) or proton transfers to give a radical pair which subsequently collapses to 2. Isotope effect experiments indicate that decay of 13 to NMP and DMB is an efficient process relative to product formation.The photochemistry of phthalimides in the presence of alkenes is characterized by four processes:' the addition to give benz-azepinediones (eq 1);2 electron transfer to afford radical ion pairs which are trapped by alcohols (eq 2);3 photoreduction (eq 3);4,5 0002-7863/84/1506-7567$01.50/0 0 1984 American Chemical Society 1568