DDT must be evaluated as a weak carcinogen.One of the most widely used pesticides, DDT, continues to be a subject of increasing interest. The first experimental observation on the blastomogenic action of DDT in rats was made by Fitzhugh and Nelson in 1947. Since then reports on the carcinogenic effect of DDT in experiments have multiplied (Kemeny and Tarjan, 1966;Halver, 1967; Fitzhugh, 1969; Innes et al., 1969;Tarjan and Kemeny, 1969). The tumours that appeared in the treated animals were principally hepatomas, lung adenomas and lymphomas. However, in some experiments the blastomogenic effect of DDT was not substantiated (Durham, 1963 ; correspondence of Terracini and Tarjan, 1970;Agthe et al., 1970).In our laboratory it has been shown that diffuse and focal proliferation, adenomatous focal growth and, later, adenomas developed in lung organ cultures of foetal mice, rats and golden hamsters, the mothers of which had been treated with urethane, blastomogenic nitrosamines or hydrocarbons during the final period of pregnancy (Kolesnichenko, 1966(Kolesnichenko, , 1971(Kolesnichenko, , 1972 Smetanin, 1969;Shabad et al., 1971). The sameexperimental model was used to evaluate the possible carcinogenic effect of DDT.Organ cultures of foetal lung tissue from strain A mice exposed to DDT through the transplacental route showed intensive growth as compared to controls. A dose of 50 ppm of DDT induced epithelial preadenomatous lesions (diffuse hyperplasia and focal proliferation) in the first generation (F,) in 32.2 %. A progressively higher incidence of these lesions was observed at a dose level of 10ppm in F1 (8.9%), F, (16.4%) and F, (39.3 %) generations. However, the incidence dropped in the F4 (30.1%) and FS (20.1%) generations (Shabad et al., 1972). This paper deals with the results of a parallel study in vivo of the effect of DDT, especially on lung turnorigenesis in the same five generations of mice. In these multigeneration experiments we attempted to compare our results in organ culture in vitro and in mice in vivo, and evaluate the possible blastomogenic effect of the pesticide DDT.