JEAN CADET, LUCIENNE VOITURIEZ, FRANK E. HRUSKA, LOU-SING KAN, FRANK A. A. M. DE LEEUW, and CORNELIS ALTONA. Can. J. Chem. 63, 2861Chem. 63, (1985.We describe the preparation of the six configurationally distinct cyclobutane-type photodimers generated by the acetonesensitized uv irradiation of thymidine in aqueous solution. Also prepared as minor photoproducts are the 5R and 5 S diastereoisomers of 5,6-dihydrothymidine, and two novel molecules, the 5R and 5.3 diastereoisomers of 5-acetonyl-5,6-dihydrothymidine. The purification of the ten molecules by chromatographic techniques (hplc, tlc) is described, along with their extensive characterization by uv, ir, cd, FAB-ms and 'H nmr. The proton chemical shifts and coupling constants are discussed in terms of the geometry of the pyrimidine, cyclobutane, and sugar rings. Les six diastCrCoisomkres possibles de la cyclobutidithymidine ont CtC prCparCs par photosensibilisation de la thymidine B la lumikre du proche ultra-violet en utilisant I'acetone. Les diastCrCoisomkres 5R et 5.3 de la dihydro-5,6 thymidine et deux nouveaux photoproduits, les formes 5R et 5 S de I'acCtonyl-5 dihydro-5,6 thymidine ont aussi CtC isolts. L'identification de ces photoproduits a fait appel B diverses techniques spectroscopiques: uv, ir, dichroi'sme circulaire, spectromktrie de masse par bombardement avec des atomes rapides et rmn 'H. Les valeurs des paramktres de rmn (deplacements chimiques, constantes de couplage) sont discutCes en termes de stCrCochimie des cycles pyrimidiniques, cyclobutyles et osidiques.
IntroductionThe cyclobutane-type of photoproduct formed from adjacent thymine bases is the most thoroughly studied of the lesions induced by uv irradiation of DNA (1). The biological significance of these thymine photodimers is evidenced by the existence of mechanisms for their removal (2). Several studies reveal that the presence of the dimers leads to distortions in nucleic acid structure (3-7) that could play a role in the recognition by the enzymes of the repair system and may account for the altered specificity of, for example, restriction enzymes which employ DNA as a substrate (8). The numerous studies of the photodimerized thymine bases, Thy()Thy (R = H; Fig. I), have provided valuable photochemical and structural information (I), but relatively fewer data are available for the corresponding thymidine derivatives, dThd()dThd (R = 2-deoxy-P-D-ribose), which are the molecules of main interest in the present work. Wulff and Fraenkel (9) originally listed four isomeric forms of Thy()Thy. Actually, six configurationalIy-distinct forms are possible, since the trans-syn (ts) and cis-anti (ca) isomers exist as enantiomeric pairs ts 1, ts2 and c a l , ca2 whereas the cis-syn (cs) and trans-anti (ta) isomers exist as single (rneso) molecules. Similarly, six dThd()dThd are possible and are denoted CS, TS1, etc. according to the geometry of the Thy()Thy fragment (Fig. 1).