This paper investigates the predictive sliding mode control problem of networked control system with long-time delay and consecutive packet dropout in both sensor-controller link and controlleractuator link. A new modeling method that uses only one Markov chain to describe the time delay and packet dropout in a unified model is proposed. As a modification of the original law, a new chattering-free reaching law that is suitable for multiple-input systems is proposed and is later used as the reference trajectory of the designed predictive sliding mode controller. To overcome the influence of time delay and packet dropout, a novel predictive sliding mode controller equipped with a logic zero-order-holder and delay compensator is proposed, and the proposed compensation strategy is theoretically proven to be able to make the system completely free from the influence of long-time delay and consecutive packet dropout. Finally, a simulation example is given to illustrate the validity of the proposed controller.INDEX TERMS Networked control systems, sliding mode control, predictive control, time delay, packet dropout.
I. INTRODUCTIONRecently, networked control systems (NCSs) have attracted much attention because of their theoretical and practical significance. In NCSs, the actuators, controller and sensors of a physical plant are distributed in a large physical space and linked together by a communication network. The advantages of NCSs, such as low cost, reduced weight, and easy installation and maintenance, which were unavailable in the past, have been widely recognized [1], [2]. Despite these advantages, the introduction of communication network will inevitably lead to time delay, packet dropout, packet disordering, communication constraints, quantization errors, etc., which may cause degradation or even instability of the NCSs [3]-[9]. Among all the challenging issues that have emerged, time delay and packet dropout are recognized as the most common and critical problems of NCSs and thus have attracted considerable research interest [3], [4], [10]-[14].The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Zonghua Gu.