For air, /* = 1.64 X 10~4, ft = ^} C v = 0.1689, C P = 0.2375, 7 = 1.66, p = 1.13 X 10~3 approximately at 40°C., and g = 981; therefore, a = 1.74 X 10~3. Since m should be< a, i.e., u 0 < 1.53935 cm/sec., then X = 3.15(1.53935-u 0 ); since a small value of X is desirable, U Q should be very close to 1.53935, but should not exceed it. Therefore, the initial motion at K = 0 admissible under this solution is very slow. For a different value of UQ, T Q and p 0 = 1.3 X 10~3. The values of u m and T^ are given in Table 1., and T 7 * is plotted against K for different values of X in case I, case II, and case III (see Fig. 1).At higher temperature, p is much smaller, and we can take U Q greater than that in the preceding case. Also, if we consider a column of gas on a planet or a star where g is large and p is small, UQ can be taken much larger. References 1 Morduchow, M. and Libby, P. A., "On a complete solution of the one-dimensional flow equations of a viscous, heat-conducting compressible fluid/'