An H(m, n, 4, 3) is a triple (X, T , B), where X is a set of mn points, T is a partition of X into m disjoint sets of size n and B is a set of 4-element transverses of T , such that each 3-element transverse of T is contained in exactly one of them. If the full automorphism group of an H(m, n, 4, 3) admits an automorphism α consisting of n cycles of length m (resp. m cycles of length n), then this H(m, n, 4, 3) is called m-cyclic (resp. semi-cyclic). Further, if all blockorbits of an m-cyclic (resp. semi-cyclic) H(m, n, 4, 3) are full, then it is called strictly cyclic. In this paper, we construct some infinite classes of strictly m-cyclic and semi-cyclic H(m, n, 4, 3), and use them to give new infinite classes of perfect two-dimensional optical orthogonal codes with maximum collision parameter λ = 2 and AM-OPPTS/AM-OPPW property.