The power-duration relationshipThe origins of intolerance during exercise have perplexed scientists for well over a century. A better understanding of the processes that contribute to limiting high-intensity exercise have far-reaching implications, not only for elite exercise performance, but also for the wide spectrum of health, quality of life and mortality. It is intriguing, therefore, that there has existed for about 50 years a mathematical model that has the capacity to predict intolerance during high-intensity constant-work rate exercise. This hyperbolic power-duration (P-d) relationship was first described by Monod and Scherrer for a single muscle group in 1965, and has since been extended to whole-body exercise (e.g. Poole et al. 1988). This model characterises a 'critical' power output (CP) or speed (CS) that, once exceeded, will lead to exhaustion in a duration predicted by the completion of a constant amount of work (W ) (Morton, 2006). CP, which lies between the lactate threshold and maximum oxygen uptake (V O2 max ), reflects an intrinsic threshold of aerobic energy provision -defining the highest constant-work rate for which steady states in ventilation, gas exchange (e.g.V O2 ) and metabolic (e.g. muscle and blood acid-base status) variables can be achieved (Poole et al. 1988). That CP reflects a parameter of aerobic function is supported by the fact that it is sensitive to interventions affecting oxygen transport and utilisation, such as breathing hypoxic gas mixtures or endurance exercise training. While W has been likened to a (predominantly) anaerobic energy source (Monod & Scherrer, 1965; potentially comprising stores of intramuscular glycogen, high-energy phosphates and oxygen), relatively less is known about the physiological underpinnings of this parameter.Importantly, the robust nature of the P-d relationship is demonstrated in its ability to characterise exercise tolerance for a wide range of exercise modalities (including cycling, running, swimming, kayaking, rowing and knee-extension over durations of ∼2-30 min; Morton, 2006), for different subject populations (ranging from adolescents to the elderly, and from elite athletes to patients with chronic heart or lung diseases), and for different species (humans, lungless salamanders, ghost crabs, mice, horses and now also rats; Copp et al. 2010). It is our belief, therefore, that a better understanding of the basis of the P-d relationship will elucidate the factor (or factors) that contribute to limiting exercise performance -the secrets of which are defined within the parameters that shape its curve. Surprisingly, however, there is relatively little evidence supporting the physiological origins of the P-d relationship. As such, the underlying physiological equivalents of the defining mathematical P-d parameters, CP and W , remain conjectural.
Assessing skeletal muscle blood flow distributionThe recent characterisation of the P-d curve in the running rat published in The Journal of Physiology by Copp et al. (2010) has opened a new avenue...