Fourteen species of Anastatus (Anastatus) Motschulsky, 1859 (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) are treated from China, of which A. (Anastatus) flavaeratus Peng and Tang n. sp. and A. (Anastatus) pariliquadrus Peng and Tang n. sp. are described based on brachypterous females. Two new synonyms are proposed, A. flavipes Sheng and Wang, 1997 under A. japonicus Ashmead, 1904 n. syn., and A. huangi Sheng and Yu, 1998 under A. gastropachae Ashmead, 1904 n. syn. The species previously reported from China under the name A. acherontiae Narayanan, Subba Rao and Ramachandra, 1960 is newly identified as Anastatus echidna (Motschulsky, 1863). Anastatus colemani Crawford, 1912, is excluded from the Chinese mainland fauna, and A. dendrolimus Kim and Pak, 1965, A. kashmirensis Mathur, 1956, and A. tenuipes Bolívar y Pieltain, 1925 are excluded from the Chinese fauna. Two previously recorded extralimital species, A. bifasciatus (Geoffroy, 1785) and A. colemani are treated as possibly present in China even though their presence was not confirmed and the records likely are based on misidentifications. Anastatus ramakrishnai (Mani, 1935), originally described from India, is compared with A. dexingensis Sheng and Wang, 1997 and A. formosanus Crawford, 1913, with the suggestion that the name could be synonymous with one of the latter two names. The males of nine species and females of all Anastatus species recognised from China are keyed, diagnosed, and illustrated. Information on recorded hosts and distribution is summarised for all the species.