5. 4ry K' Warren, Anchorítes ønd. Their Pøtrons in Med.ievøl England (Berkeley: University of Califomia Press, r98r), 7. 6. Arnold van Gennep, Les riaes d.e pøssøge (Paris: Émile Nourry, r9o9). 7. see Victor Turner, The Rituøl Process: structure ønd. Antí-structurø (chicago: Aldine, 1969), ror. 8.Ibid., 94-96. 9. ferome wrote: "while a woman serves for birth and children, she is dif[erent from man as body is from soul. But when she wents to serve christ more than the world, then she shall cease to be called a woman and shall be called man." See commentøry on Ephesiøns,Ill chap. 5. ro. Turner, Rítual Process, 44. rr.This is based on r Peter 2:5, wherein the faithful are likened to living stone. see also Michelle M. Sauer, 'Architec¡rre of Desire: Mediating the Female Gaze-in the Medievai English Aachorhold," Genàer and History 25, no. 3 (zor3l: 54r-6o, esp. 546-47. ir, SarahSalih,"fulianinNorwich:Heritageandlconography,'tinJilíønofNorwich'sLegøc.y: Me.d'ievøl Mystirism and. Post+ned.ievøl Reception, eð.. sarah Salih and Dênise N. Baker (New iork: Palgrave, zoo9l, 153-72, at r58. See also Elizabeth Cox, Liz Herbert McAvoy, ".rd Rob.rt" Magnani,.eds., Reconsideríng Gender, Tíme, ønd. Mernory in Med.iwal Cuhure (Woodbrrdge, U.K.: Boydell and Brewer, zor5). 13' See Michelle M. Sauer, "Devotional Literatrre: performance and performativity," in The History of Britßh women's wrítíng, vol. z: tj5o-t5oo ed. Diane watt and Liz Herberi McAvoy (New York: Palgrave, zorr), ro3-rr. r4._Richard Schechner, The Future of Rítual: writings on culture ønd performønce (London: Routledge, ry931, zz8. _.r5. Brigitte cazelles, The La!.y øs søínt: A collectíon of FrencLr Høgíogrøphíc Romances of the Thirteenth Century phlladelphia: University ofPennsylvania nress, i99r¡, 62. r6. See http://wwwneurohistory.ucla.edu/neurohistory-web-about. _ 17. Fo: a-more complete exploration, please see Daniel Lord Smail, On Deep History ønd. the Brøin (Berkeley: University of California press, zoo8). 18. Barbara Newman, "Liminalities: Literate Women in the Long TwelÍlh Century," in Europeøn Trønsformøtions: The Long Twelfih century. ed. Thomas F. x.-Noble and |ohn H. van Engen (Notre Dame: Universityof Notre Dame Press, zorz),354-4oz,at36r. r9. See http://www.nationaitrust.org.uk/tyntesfield.