The intestinal microbiota of beef cattle are important for animal health, food safety, and methane emissions. This full-length sequencing survey of 11,171 16S rRNA genes reveals animal-to-animal variation in communities that cannot be attributed to breed, gender, diet, age, or weather. Beef communities differ from those of dairy. Core bovine taxa are identified.The gastrointestinal tracts (GIT) of beef cattle are colonized by microorganisms that profoundly impact animal physiology, nutrition, health, and productivity (5). The GIT microbiota potentially impact food safety via pathogen shedding (13) by interacting with organisms such as Salmonella and competing for resources in the GIT. Cattle intestinal microbiota also play an important role in methane emissions, with U.S. beef cattle alone contributing an estimated 3.87 million metric tons of methane into the environment each year, both from rumen and large-intestine fermentations (7). Although the bovine fecal microbiota have been well characterized using culture-based methods, these techniques are necessarily limited to characterizing bacteria that can be grown in the laboratory. Cultureindependent methods can reveal community members that are recalcitrant to culture. Only a handful of deep-sequencing studies have been done using culture-independent 16S rRNAbased methods (1,11,12,14), all with dairy cattle, which have a fundamentally different diet and metabolism from beef cattle. Despite the potential contributions of the beef cattle GIT microbiota to animal health, food safety, and global warming, these communities remain poorly characterized. With the advent of pyrosequencing technology, researchers now have the tools to characterize these important communities. Pyrosequencing will allow rapid characterization of large-sample data sets (1). However, the taxonomic information generated by rapid sequencing is approximate by necessity (9), and fulllength 16S-rRNA sequencing remains the "gold standard" method. Accordingly, we have characterized fecal bacteria from six feedlot cattle by full-length capillary sequence analysis of 11,171 16S rRNA gene clones (Fig.