Oxygenv acancies have ap ositive effect on the photocatalytic performance of TiO 2 ,b ut their benefits are deeplyl imited owing to their inherent lability.T oa void this disadvantage, fluorine atoms were used to "occupy" the surface oxygen vacancies (O vacancies) of TiO 2 .The "fluorine-occupied" surfaceOvacancies maintain the intrinsic nature of the Ov acancies, but they are stable under ambient and photocatalytic conditions. TiO 2 with "fluorine-occupied" surfaceOvacancies give enhanced performance in terms of both photodegradation and photocurrent conversion. The "occupied" strategy used herein holds promise to be ac ommon method for developing Ov acancy-related photocatalysts.Early works confirmed that doping of impurities into the sublattice of oxygen in TiO 2 is accompanied by the generation of Ov acancies, whichl eads to as ignificant enhancement in photocatalytic activity.T he impurity levels between the bandgap of TiO 2 are raised,a nd this is the main reason [1] why the photocatalytic activity is improved, whereas others argue that Ov acancy relatedc olorc enters as well as traps play important roles for the generation and separation of photocarriers.[2]As one important kind of defect site, Ov acancies (always accompanied by the creationo fT i 3 + centers) can act as absorption and active sites in heterogeneous catalytic reactions.[3] It was proven that Ov acancies have ag reat impact on electronic structure, charge transport, and other surface properties, all of which play roles in enhancing the photocatalytic performance of TiO 2 . [2, 3c, 4] Various Ov acancy related modified TiO 2 photocatalysts have been prepared, and they showe xtraordinary performance in many areas such as hydrogen production, water remediation, and photoelectric conversion under either UV-orv isible-light irradiation. [5] So far,Ovacancy singlym odified TiO 2 photocatalysts (also identified as Ti 3 + self-doped TiO 2 )a re usually obtained by placing bare TiO 2 in an oxygen-poor (e.g.,A ra tmosphere or vacuum) [3c, 6] or reductive environment. [5c, 7] Typically,t he two excess electrons on the Ov acancies interact with neighboring Ti 4 + ions to give three forms, that is,[2] However,t hese obtained Ov acancies remainr elatively unstablea nd can be easily recovered if catalysts are exposed to O 2 under thermalt reatment (T > 830 K) [8] or irradiation, [9] as the Ov acancies are easily reoccupied by Oa toms, which causes the disappearance of defect sites [10] and thus diminishes the benefits of Ov acancy doping.Herein, we report as ite-occupied strategy to stabilize the surfaced efects ites of the Ov acancies on the surface of TiO 2 . TiO 2 with as-modified defects ites thuss hows stable and enhanced photocatalytic performance. For experimental details, bare TiO 2 was first degassed under vacuum (0.93 Pa) at 350 8C to form the surfaceOvacancies [6a, 11] (referred to as V-TiO 2 ). Fluorine atoms were subsequently introduced to occupy the O vacancies by treating V-TiO 2 with a2 .0 m aqueous solution of NH 4 F, and an F-occupie...