Morris, KL, Widstrom, L, Goodrich, J, Poddar, S, Rueda, M, Holliday, M, San Millian, I, and Byrnes, WC. A retrospective analysis of collegiate athlete blood biomarkers at moderate altitude. J Strength Cond Res 33(11): 2913–2919, 2019—Blood biomarkers are used to assess overall health and determine positive/negative adaptations to training/environmental stimuli. This study aimed to describe the changes in blood biomarkers in collegiate football (FB) (n = 31) and cross-country (XC) (n = 29; 16 women [FXC], 13 men [MXC]) athletes across a competitive season while training and living at a moderate altitude (1,655 m). This study used a database of previously collected hematological (complete blood count and serum ferritin) and muscle damage (lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase) blood biomarkers. Data were analyzed both within and between groups using linear mixed-model and variance component analyses, alpha = 0.05. All 3 groups had significant but different patterns of change in the measured biomarkers. Hematological blood biomarkers increased at different time points but remained within the normal reference ranges with greater between-subject vs. within-subject variability, suggesting no significant decrements to oxygen-carrying capacity across the season for FB, MXC, or FXC. Muscle damage biomarkers increased over time and exceeded the normal reference ranges, indicating cell damage pathology. However, it is also possible that the demands of training and competition might alter baseline values in these athletes, although this cannot be confirmed with the current experimental design. The patterns of change in the hematological and muscle damage biomarkers varied by sport discipline, suggesting that the training/competitive environments of these athletes influence these changes. Further studies should assess how much training, altitude, and nutrition influence these changes by using a more comprehensive set of biomarkers and related performance parameters.