Abstract. This paper reports the first description of the crystal structure and
crystal chemical features of fluorcarletonite, a new mineral from the Murun
potassium alkaline complex (Russia), obtained by means of single-crystal and
powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA),
thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The crystal structure of
KNa4Ca4Si8O18(CO3)4(F,OH)⚫ H2O,
a rare phyllosilicate mineral, contains infinite double-silicate layers
composed of interconnected four- and eight-membered rings of
SiO4 tetrahedra and connected through the interlayer K-, Na- and
Ca-centered polyhedra and CO3 triangles. The X-ray diffraction analysis
confirms the mineral to be tetragonal, P4∕mbm, a=13.219(1) Å, c=16.707(2) Å, V=2919.4(6) Å3 (powder XRD data), a=13.1808(5) Å, c=16.6980(8) Å, V=2901.0(3) Å3
(single-crystal XRD data, 100 K). The EMPA (average from 10 analyses) gave
the following composition (wt %): SiO2 44.1(6), CaO 20.0(3),
Na2O 11.1(3), K2O 4.5(2), F 1.3(5), TiO2 0.1(1) and
Al2O3 0.03(3). The TG–DSC analysis confirmed the presence of
H2O and CO2 (weight losses of 1.17 % and 14.9 %,
respectively). The FTIR spectrum acquired in the range from 4000 to
400 cm−1 reveals the presence of H2O, CO3 and OH groups. The
average formula of fluorcarletonite calculated from the results of EMPA and
crystal structure refinement is