The ge neral physical properties of practically imperviou s porcelains within t he beryllia (BeO) field of the system beryllia-alumina-zirconia (BeO-Ah03-ZrOz), whose base composit ions approximate t hat of NBS Body No. 4811C, were found to be: maturing range, 1,500° to 1,600 0 C; apparent density, 2.9 to 3.4 g/ cm3 ; shrinkage, 17.8 to 20.5 p ercent; roomtemperature compressive strength, 238,000 to 305,000 lb/in. 2 ; room-temperature transverse strength, 17,200 to 34,100 lb/in.z; room-temperature transverse stI"ength after t hermal shocking, 17,800 to 31,900 Ib/in.2; transverse stre ngth a t 1,800° F (982° C), 15,100 to 25,100 Ib/in. 2 ; approximate Young's modulus at 1,800 0 F , 28,000,000 to 38,000,000 Ib/ in.2 ; relative thermal shock resistance, good; and Knoop hardness numbers (500-g load), 550 to 830. An adm ix ture of 2 weight p ercent of calcia (CaO) to t he base compositions of t hese porcelains (without which the specim ens would not mature to an impervious structure) caused the appearance of unidentified isotropic phases.