ABSTRAK Kemisikinan merupakan suatu permasalahan yang harus ditemukan cara mengentaskannya. Islam agama yang sempurna telah memberikan solusi melalui instrument zakat, infak, dan sedekah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai dampak zakat, infak, sedekah di LAZNAS LMI (Lembaga Manajemen Infaq) dengan Pendekatan CIBEST. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan uji beda antara kondisi material dan spiritual mustahik sebelum dibantu dengan setelah disalurkan dana ZIS. Hasil analisis dari 355 penerima manfaat menunjukkan bahwa pada kuadran I, penerima manfaat yang dikategorikan sejahtera bertambah 28% sesudah dibantu. Pada kuadran II, penerima manfaat yang dikategorikan miskin secara material menurun sebesar 27,7%. Selain itu pada kuadran IV penerima manfaat yang dikategorikan miskin secara absolut, juga ikut menurun sebesar 0,3%. Hasil Uji Beda juga menunjukan ada perbedaan indeks spiritual maupun indeks material penerima manfaat antar sebelum dan sesudah pemberian dana ZIS dibuktikan dengan Uji Beda Wilcoxon untuk indeks material value, dan Uji T berpasangan untuk indeks spiritual value.. Dengan adanya hasil penilaian kaji dampak ini diharapkan dampak dari bantuan yang diberikan bisa terukur dan juga menjadi bahan evaluasi serta perencanaan untuk program-program yang akan datang. Implikasi temuan penelitian ini dapat memberikan refrensi terkait manfaat zakat, infak, sedekah dalam membantu mengetaskan kemiskinan yang dilakukan oleh lembaga amil zakat nasional. Secara praktik, Lembaga Manajemen Infaq perlu memberikan perhatian khusus kepada mustahik yang berada di kategori miskin absolut, dengan memberikan intervensi ekonomi dan pembinaan secara spiritual. Kata Kunci: Kaji Dampak, ZIS, Kemiskinan, CIBEST, Lemabga Amil Zakat, Lembaga Manajemen Infaq. ABSTRACT Poverty is a problem that must find a way to eradicate. Islam, the perfect religion, has provided a solution through the instruments of zakat, infaq, and shadaqah. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of Zakat, Sedekah, and Infaq in Lembaga Manajemen Infaq with the CIBEST Approach. The method used is quantitative by distributing questionnaires and testing the difference between the material and spiritual conditions of the mustahik before being assisted with after the ZIS funds are distributed. The results of the analysis of 355 beneficiaries showed that in quadrant I, beneficiaries categorized as prosperous increased by 28% after being assisted. In quadrant II, beneficiaries categorized as materially poor decreased by 27.7%. In addition, in quadrant IV, beneficiaries who are categorized as absolute poor also decreased by 0.3%. The results of the Difference Test also show that there are differences in the spiritual index and material index of beneficiaries between before and after the provision of ZIS funds, as evidenced by the Wilcoxon Difference Test for the material value index, and the paired T-test for the spiritual value index. The assistance provided can be measured and can also be used as material for evaluation and planning for future programs. The implications of the findings of this study can provide a reference regarding the benefits of zakat, shadaqah, and infaq in helping to alleviate poverty carried out by the national amil zakat institution. In practice, Amil Zakat Organization needs to pay special attention to mustahik who are in the absolute poor category, by providing economic intervention and spiritual guidance. Keywords: Assessment of Impact, ZIS, Poverty, CIBEST, Amil Zakat Organization, Lembaga Manajemen Infaq. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Ahmed, B. O., Johari, F., & Wahab, K. A. (2017). 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The issue of poverty has become a part of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Islam believes poverty must be sought and given concrete solutions through philanthropic instruments such as zakat, infaq, and sadaqah (ZIS). However, ZIS management will be more optimal if implemented by the Amil Zakat Institution or Lembaga Amil Zakat(LAZ). Thus, this research aims to determine the role of ZIS on mustahik's income for realizing SDGs at the Indonesian zakat institution. The research uses a quantitative method with a comparative approach. The Wilcoxontest will test the data using a different test between mustahik's income before and after being given ZIS funds. In addition, this study also uses several SDGs' indicator metadata, measured through the mustahik's income. Respondents from this research study were mustahik of the ZIS funds provided by Lembaga Manajemen Infaq (LMI), a zakat institution, with a total of 355 respondents spread across the provinces of East Java, South Sumatra, Riau Islands, and South Kalimantan. The results show a difference in the income of LMI mustahik before and after being given ZIS funds. If viewed from the SDGs' indicator metadata perspective, the distribution and utilization of ZISbecome essential in realizing no poverty. The existence of LAZ has an essential role in supporting the SDGs, especially in the equitable distribution of income, and can be an instrument in alleviating poverty. However, suggestions for future research are the need for an approach other than income and also need to be measured using metadata other than the SDGs indicator no poverty.
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