The article provides a synopsis of the tribes Cicereae, Trifolieae, Lupulineae, Crotularieae, Genisteae of Fabaceae subfam. Faboideae in the flora of Ukraine, with nomenclatural citations, types (for most of them), and main synonyms. It is based on a critical analysis of available data on taxonomic, morphological, and molecular phylogenetic studies. The tribes Trifolieae (10 genera, 100 species) and Geniste (9 genera, 41 species) are best represented in the flora of Ukraine; least represented are Cicereae and Crotularieae (each by a single genus and species). The placement of the genus Ononis in the tribe Trifolieae is confirmed. The feasibility of splitting Trifolium s. l. into few smaller genera is not always consistent with molecular data, which indicates that most of these taxa are polyphyletic (Amoria, Lupinaster, Xerosphaera) or form paraphyletic groups: Bobrovia = sect. Glycyrrhizum, or Ursia = sect. Lupinaster. However, in our taxonomic treatment of Trifolium s. l. for the flora of Ukraine, we accept three segregate genera (Trifolium L. s. str., Chrysaspis, and Amoria), giving the advantage of diagnostic flower morphology. Occurrence of Chamaecytisus supinus, Melilotus altissimus, Trigonella balansae, T. calliceras, and T. strangulata in Ukraine (in particular, in Crimea) needs confirmation.