BS8 I TS Cyclic voltammetry shows that [Rh,(CO),(p-L'),] [l, L' = RNNNR, R = p-tolyl; 2, L' = R'NC(Me)NR', R' = Ph], [Rh,(CO),b(p-RNNNR),] (3, L = PPh, or CNBut), [Rh,(CO),(PPh,)L{p-R'NC(Me)NR'},] (4, L = CO), [Rh,(q4-diene),(p-RNNNR),] [5, diene = nbd (norborna-2,5-diene) or cod (cyclo-octa-lr5-diene)], and [Rh,(CO),(CNBut)(p-RNNNR),] (6) undergo at least t w o diff usion-controlled one-electron oxidations at a platinum bead electrode in CH,CI,. The first process is reversible for all of the complexes and corresponds to the formation of a monocation with a [Rh,I3+ core. The second step is fully reversible only for ( l ) , (3, L = PPh,), and (5, diene = nbd), and for the first two of these complexes a third reversible oxidation wave is also observed. The paramagnetic monocations (3+, L = PPh, or CNBut), (4+, L = CO), and ( 5 + , diene = nbd) have been isolated as stable hexafluorophosphate salts via the oxidation of the appropriate neutral complex with either [N,C,H,F-p] [PF,] or [Fe(q-C,H,),] [PF,] in CH,CI,. The related complex [Rh,(CO),(p-dppm)(p-RNNNR),] [PF,] ( 7 + , dppm = Ph,PCH,PPh,) was also prepared, by the [Fe(q-C,H,),] [PF,] oxidation of a mixture of (1) and dppm. The tricarbonyl (4', L = CO) undergoes substitution with Lewis bases, L, to give the cationic dicarbonyls [4+, L = PPh,, AsPh, or P(OPh),] which are readily reduced by "Bun4] [BH,] in CH,CI, to give the otherwise inaccessible neutral species [4, L = PPh,, AsPh,, or P(OPh),]. The chemistry of dirhodium complexes continues to attract considerable attention.,^^ The three basic structural types, (A)-* Throughout this paper, diffusion-controlled waves show i/vf constant for scan rates 50 < v < 500 mV s-'; reversibility is characterised by iol/ired = 1 (over the same range of scan rates). Numerical data are given only when necessary.