lhi_ do('umenl was prepared as an account nf work ++p_m_oredh) un ai_enc) of the ['ni/td Slate's Government. Neither the I.Inil_d Slate_ (;ot'ernmenl nor the Universal) ttf ('-Iifolnia nr)r an) of their employcc_, makes any warranl,_; expre._+s or implied, or a_sum_ un_ hegul liabilil) or re'_l)_msibilil)f_)r the _ccuracy, completeness, or usefulness of an) information, apparalll_, prr_uct, trr pr_'e_ d;_cto,_d, or repre_nls that ii,+ u,_.' _mld not infringe pri_alel) _mnvd r_ghls. Reference herein to an) specific commer¢ia! pre,ducts, pre,tess. (_r _.er_i,ce by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, dig'++n,_t necessarily v,mstitute or imply its endor_emen(, recommendation, f+r favoring h_' lhc Umiled Slate++ (;z.ernmenl or the Liniversity of California. The +i++ss and opinhms of alllhor++ expres_,d her+lh do not necessarily +stale or rePlecl th_s¢ of th_ t:nit_d Slat¢_ Go_ernmenl or the Ltni,'ersil.v o,f ('a_ifornia, and shall no! be u++cdfor advertising or product endor_.ment p.rlx)st'_.