UDK 631.416/.417:630*114(497.6)
Elemental composition of the surface soil layers has a direct effect on soil productivity and an important role in the quality of the terrestrial ecosystems. Herein, soil has the function of a geochemical sink and natural buffer, controlling the release of contaminants to hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biota. Vertical distribution of HNO3 pressure digested concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Mn, P, S, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn is determined in three rather common soil types: Cambisol, Dystric, Cambisol, Eutric and Fluvisol in central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Site differences, with the reference to soil parent material, dominantly influenced element distribution and accumulation. In addition to land-use, forest seedling production influenced significant (p<0.05) decrease of Ca in Ajdinovići, Mg in Žepče and S in all three sites in 0 to 30 cm soil depth. Summary data for element concentrations for this central region, reported with medians, were: 0.76 g/kg Na, 9.30 g/kg K, 3.54 g/kg Ca, 5.28 g/kg Mg, 27.9 g/kg Fe, 43.7 g/kg Al. 0,98 g/kg Mn, 0.5 g/kg P, 0.27 g/kg S, 3.46 mg/kg Cd, 18.4 mg/kg Co,
99.5 mg/kg, 24.7 mg/kg Cu, 65.1 mg/kg Ni, 30.6 mg/kg Pb, 90.7 mg/kg Zn.