The formation of three dimensional micellar structures was studied. The structures are precursors of lyotropic mesophases based on the nonionic surfactant, lanthanide nitrates, and water. The geometric parameters and configurations of the micellar structures were deter mined. Good agreement between experimental data and the results of quantum chemical calculations was obtained.Increased interest in nano organized materials and the development of basic and applied research in this field are due to the prospects for novel technological applica tions. A topical avenue of design of highly organized struc tures is to use self organization of nanoscale "building blocks" composed of colloidal particles. 1,2 In this con nection of particular interest are lyotropic liquid crys tals (LLC). Owing to unique properties and relative cheap ness of design the LLC have found application in various fields of modern science including molecular electron ics, 3,4 nanocatalysis, 5-7 pharmaceutics, 8 and serve models in studies of biological processes. 9Lyotropic mesophases can be functionalized in a pre set fashion via the synthesis of lyotropic metal containing mesogens in which the metal ion determines the neces sary (magnetic, electrical, polarization, and luminescent) properties of the nanomaterial. 10-14 At present, studies on the possibility of using such systems as matrices in the design of nano organized structures, e.g., nanowires and nanodots are in progress. 15-18 Application of LLC in vari ous devices requires the development of technologies that provide a particular molecular and spatial organization of these particles. In this connection a complex analysis of all stages of the evolution of a spontaneous molecular self organization, from micellization to aggregation into molecular blocks and further assembly into a liquid crys talline structure, is of paramount importance.Research on the supramolecular structure of lyotropic mesophases is based on studies of the structure, interac tions, and packing of particular fragments of the system in question. Using a specified structure element and the rules of filling the volume, it is possible to model the architec ture of the entire macrosystem. However, in the case of lyotropic systems containing the solvent as a consituent the single crystal X ray diffraction techniques are inap plicable and therefore corresponding information is scarce and of limited use. Here, a clear idea of the structure of the system under study, qualitative assessment of its ar chitecture, and prediction of the properties of lyotropic mesophases can be made using quantum chemical calcu lations of molecular characteristics and parameters of the entire system. 19 Earlier, 20 we reported the strategies of synthesis, the range of existence, and the liquid crystalline behavior of the first representatives of new lanthanide containing lyo tropic mesophases. Studies of the micellar behavior of such systems as precursors of liquid crystalline phases are of particular importance because the physicochemical charac...