In this paper, an experimental study of the conventional solar still (CSS), the conventional solar still with glass cooling (CSSGC), the conventional solar still with basin heating (CSSBH), and the conventional solar still with glass cooling and basin heating (CSSGCBH) was carried out on the basis of the distilled water production, the energy efficiency (EnE), the exergy efficiency (ExE), and economic analysis. The CSSGC and CSSBH contain Peltier modules for cooling the glass and heating the basin. The evaporative heat transfer coefficient for all the experimental stills was calculated. The values of daily distilled water production from the CSSGCBH, CSSBH, CSSGC, and CSS were 4.56, 3.79, 2.49, and 1.89 kg/m 2 , respectively. The daily distilled yield of the CSSBH and CSSGCBH were increased by 58.55% and 50.13%, respectively, as compared with the CSS. Moreover, the daily EnE and ExE of the CSSGCBH were 27.03% and 3.5%, respectively, whereas the EnE and ExE of the CSS were 10.88% and 1.3%, respectively. Furthermore, the cost of distilled water Abbreviations: CSS, conventional solar still; CSSBH, conventional solar still with basin heating; CSSGC, conventional solar still with glass cooling; CSSGCBH, conventional solar still with glass cooling and basin heating; EHTC, evaporative heat transfer coefficient; EnE, energy efficiency; ExE, exergy efficiency; T w − T g , temperature difference between the water and glass cover.