source software relevant to scholarly publishing' and that 'were 'still alive'-that is, with evidence of active development ' (2019). They emphasise however that this is a dynamic space, and that their cataloguing is a snapshot of a specific moment in time.As such, Maxwell et al.'s analysis is not only based on individual tools but on a consideration of the dynamic landscape as a whole. Their categorising is mainly based on exclusion, where they did not include tools and projects that were closed-source, cloud-based services, research (instead of publishing) tools, library infrastructure, DIY ad-hoc toolchains, and dormant projects.The key themes that informed their research were sustainability, scale, collaboration, and ecosystem integration. One key research question was 'who will care about these projects?' In other words, 'care enough to fund, contribute, promote, use, and ultimately further their useful life? What are the values and mechanisms that cause people-especially external stakeholders-to care enough about these projects to keep them alive, and even thriving, going forward?' (2019). The gap that they have noticed as part of their research is one of co-ordination and integration between and among projects. In other words, there is a lack of interoperability and incentives for collaboration between projects. In Maxwell et al.'s mapping of the tools and projects they emphasise a few main characteristics: Key findings were issues of: Difference between journal publishing and book publishing Centralised vs distributed models Old projects and new projects Functional scope (i.e., development across hypothetical workflow stages) Operational details (development features, languages and frameworks, licenses, and funding) Traditional functions vs. new capacities (i.e., interactive scholarly works) Technological approaches and trends (approaches to XML, conversion and ingestion strategies) Workflow modeling and management
Innovating new possibilitiesSiloed development, with the recommendation that 'where possible, collaboration, standardization, and even common code layers can provide considerable benefit to project ambitions, functionality, and sustainability' ("Prospects," pp. 20-1).