Let the coefficients aij and bi, i, j ≤ d, of the linear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation (FPK-eq.) ∂tµt = ∂i∂j(aijµt) − ∂i(biµt) be Borel measurable, bounded and continuous in space. Assume that for every s ∈ [0, T ] and every Borel probability measure ν on R d there is at least one solution µ = (µt) t∈[s,T ] to the FPK-eq. such that µs = ν and t → µt is continuous w.r.t. the topology of weak convergence of measures. We prove that in this situation, one can always select one solution µ s,ν for each pair (s, ν) such that this family of solutions fulfillswhich one interprets as a flow property of this solution family. Moreover, we prove that such a flow of solutions is unqiue if and only if the FPK-eq. is well-posed.x)∂ i denotes the second order differential generator associated to A := (a ij ) i,j≤d and b := (b i ) i≤d , also called Kolmogorov operator.Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations have been an active research topic in the past decades. There is a vast literature on general results such as existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions, also for a more general notion of equations as (1). A thorough analytical introduction into the field is provided by the work [1] of Röckner, Krylov, Bogachev and Shaposhnikov from 2015.Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations also have strong and fruitful connections to probability theory, in particular to the theory of diffusion processes. For example, the transition probabilities of a typical diffusion process in R d with drift b = (b i ) i≤d and diffusion coefficients (a ij ) i,j≤d solve the corresponding Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation, i.e. equation (1). Above that, equation (1) is closely related to the martingale problem associated to the coefficients a ij and b i . More precisely, every continuous solution to the martingale problem provides a narrowly continuous probability solution to equation (1) via its one-dimensional marginals. Conversely, by a socalled superposition principle of Trevisan from 2016, which is an extension of an earlier work by Figalli from 2008, c.f. [5] and [2], respectively, given a narrowly continuous probability solution (µ t ) t∈[s,T ] to equation (1), there exists a continuous solution to the corresponding martingale problem, for which the one-dimensional marginals are given by (µ t ) t∈[s,T ] . A fundamental investigation of martingale problems and its connection to Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations can be found in [4] by Stroock and Varadhan from 2006.