budget impact analysys a target population of 550 patients is estimated and three scenarios of ustekinumab adoption were assessed: current scenario (13% market share), middle penetration scenario (28% market share) and a high penetration scenario (50% of market share). No discount rate was used. Exchange rate (1 USD = 1,794 COP). Results: Total cost per patient (USD): ustekinumab (23,229), etanercept (25,079) and adalimumab (23,825). PASI 50 response (% of patients): ustekinumab (90%), etanercept (76%) and adalimumab (81%). Cost per responder patient: ustekinumab (25,810), etanercept (32,999) and adalimumab (29414). Budget Impact (USD): current scenario (13,387,999), middle penetration scenario (13,262,955) and high penetration scenario (13,114,969). ConClusions: When a subcutaneous biologic is considered as the first line choice of treatment for psoriasis, ustekinumab is the prefered first line therapy. Ustekinumab progressive adoption, in the Colombian Health System, demonstrates potential savings driven by its better efficacy and less probability of requiring a second line more expensive treatment.
PSS3objeCtives: Drug-induced skin reactions (DISR) may be a serious medical problem, and economical in every country. Methods: The aim of the study was to analyze the direct costs (costs of medication, laboratory costs, costs of physician visits) of 164 patients (57M, 107 W, mean age 53.7years) hospitalized in the Department of Dermatology, Military Institute of Medicine, Poland between 2002 -2012 due to DISR from the public payer (NHF) and hospital perspective. Results: In the group of the most common forms of DISR there were toxic -allergic dermatitis (n= 85) and erythema multiforme (n= 41). The most common cause of drug-induced skin reactions were beta lactam antibiotics, cephalosporins and NSAIDs. Symptoms of DISR appeared on an average after 7.4 days of treatment. The average hospital stay was 4.54 day per patient. Direct average cost of treatment from the NHF perspective was 717€ per patient and from the hospital perspective was 680 € per patient. ConClusions: Treatment of DISR is expensive, but well priced by the public payer in Poland.
PSS4 evaluación De coSTo-efecTiviDaD De la TrabeculoPlaSTia láSer SelecTiva como Primera oPción De TraTamienTo en glaucoma Primario De ángulo abierTo en colombia