15Internet addiction has become an increasingly researched area in many Westernized countries. Results showed that Internet addiction is a predictor of stress, depression, anxiety, and
34Easy access to the Internet has led to an increase in the number of studies investigating the 35 incidence and prevalence of Internet addiction (IA) (Pontes, Kuss & Griffiths, 2015). Prevalence 36 of IA among adolescents and adults in Western and Eastern countries has gained the attention of 37 researchers from different disciplines such as communication, education and psychology (Caplan 38 & High, 2007; Greenfield, 2007; Li, O'Brien, Snyder, & Howard, 2015; Yen et al., 2008 (Christakis, 2010; Smahel, Brown, & Blinka, 2012). This is because adolescents spend a lot of
45Several psychological studies associated IA with personality traits of adolescents (i.e.,
46aggression and lack of self-control) (Öztürk, Bektas, Ayar, Özgüven Öztornacı, & Yağcı, 2015) 47The social and emotional risks of IA and its treatments have also been studied extensively (Hahn 48 & Kim, 2014; Ko, Yen, Yen, Chen, & Chen, 2012 Internet use, and Internet use disorder among others (Huang, Chen, Wang, & Wang, 2014). IA 60 has often been referred to as the failure or lack of ability of a person to manage their use of the 61 Internet, and that consequently triggers emotional and social difficulties in a person's personal 62 and professional life (Pontes et al, 2015; Young & Rogers, 1998 Internet addict was operationally defined as anyone who scored more than 61 on the IA Test 126 whereas a non-addict was anyone who scored less than 60 (Young, 1998
131Three psychometric instruments were utilized to assess the variables in this study (i.e.,
132Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale-21, the Internet Addiction Test, and the Loneliness Scale).
Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21)
134The DASS-21 (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995), comprises 21 questions, and assesses three 135 separate dimensions of negative emotional states including anxiety, depression, and stress (see 136 Table 1). Each of the three emotional subscales has seven questions. Each item is rated on a five-137 point Likert scale ranging from always (0) to never (4). Questions 1 to 7 assess depression,
195Before employing MANOVA, bivariate Pearson's correlation coefficients were run to 196 determine the association between the variables (see Table 2). The results revealed that significant 197 correlations (p<0.01) exist among the variables. In Table 2 Table 4). SEM with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation was Table 5).
240As expected, the mean scores on stress, depression, anxiety, and loneliness among Internet 241 addicts were higher than those of non-addicts. These findings suggest that the more addicted a 242 person is to the Internet, the more stressed, depressed, anxious, and lonely the person is. The The association between IA and psychological symptoms appears to be reciprocal, indicating 256 that excessive Internet use might incr...