During blasting operations, the potential energy of explosive materials is transformed into a mechanical work. That energy, in the vicinity of blasting location, destructs and crushes rock mass, a bit further creates cracks and permanent deformations in the rock mass, and even further it is being transformed into elastic deformations. The effect of elastic seismic wave is movement of particles of the rock mass from its equilibrium position. Such oscillation of the rock mass particles is manifested as a shock and represents one of the negative effects of blasting. In order both to evaluate and control the seismic effect of blasting, as well as to plan it, the determination of soil oscillation law is required, with the strike: mine field -facilities to be protected. One of the most commonly used equations is that of M. A. Sadovski defining the law of alteration in the oscillation velocity of the soil depending on the distance, the explosive amount, and conditions of blasting and geologic characteristics of the soil, being determined on the basis of test blasting for the specific work environment. In this paper, an analysis of the method for the determination of soil oscillation law parameters has been conducted, suggested by Profesor M. A. Sadovski. The applicability of this law was analysed on examples of mass blasting in the "Nepričava" Open Pit Mine being carried out in order to exploit the deposit. To determine parameters in the equation of Sadovski, in addition to the common method of least squares, another model was applied. Thereby, it has been stated that both models can be used to calculate the oscillation velocity of the rock mass. Apstrakt: Pri miniranju, potencijalna energija eksploziva pretvara se u mehanički rad. Ta energija u blizini mesta miniranja razara, drobi stensku masu, nešto dalje stvara pukotine i trajne deformacije u stenskoj masi, a još dalje se pretvara u elastične deformacije. Delovanjem seizmičkog elastičnog talasa čestice stenske mase osciluju tj. pomeraju se iz svog ravnotežnog položaja. Takvo oscilovanje čestica stenskog masiva manifestuje se kao potres tla i čini jedan od negativnih efekata miniranja. Za ocenu i kontrolu seizmičkog dejstva miniranja, kao i njegovo planiranje, neophodno je utvrditi zakon oscilovanja tla u pravcu minsko polje -objekti koji se štite. Jedna od najčešće korišćenih je jednačina M. A. Sadovskog, koja definiše zakon promene brzine oscilovanja tla u zavisnosti od rastojanja, količine eksploziva, uslova izvođenja miniranja i geoloških karakteristika tla, a određuje se na osnovu probnih miniranja za konkretnu radnu sredinu. U ovom radu izvršena je analiza metode za određivanje parametara zakona oscilovanja tla, koji je predložio ruski profesor M. A. Sadovski. Primenljivost ovog zakona, analizirana je na primerima masovnih miniranja na P.K. "Nepričava", koja se izvode radi eksploatacije ležišta. Za određivanje parametara u jednačini Sadovskog, pored uobičajene metode najmanjih kvadrata primenjen je još jedan model. Pri tom je konstatovano da se oba m...