Addition of the 3-series fatty acid precursor (icosapentaenoic acid, IPA), its endoperoxide [prostaglandin (PG) H3J, or thromboxane A3 to human platelet-rich plasma (PRP) does not result in aggregation of the platelets. In fact, preincubation of human PRP with exogenous PGH3 actually inhibited aggregation by increasing platelet cyclic AMP concentrations. PGH3 undergoes rapid spontaneous degradation to PGD3 in human PRP. The PGD3 so formed is adequate to account for the increase of platelet cAMP and inhibition of aggregation. Furthermore, addition of PGD-specific antisera to human PRP blocked the platelet inhibitory activity of exogenous PGH3. PGD3 has considerable potential as a circulating antithrombotic agent. Pretreatment of human PRP with the adenylate cyclase inhibitor 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine blocked the increase of platelet cyclic AMP and the inhibition of aggregation normally produced by PGI2, PGE1, PGD2, PGH3, and PGD3. Furthermore, the dideoxyadenosine unmasked a direct but moderate reversible aggregatory effect in response to the subsequent addition of PGH3. Similarly, the dideoxyadenosine markedly enhanced the aggregation produced by exogenous PGH2. IPA is readily incorporated into tissue lipids but proved to be a poor substrate for kidney, blood vessel, or heart cyclooxygenase. IPA was previously shown to be a poor substrate for platelet cyclooxygenase. IPA is readily deacylated from the renal phospholipid pool in response to bradykinin, a substance that aso stimulates the release of arachidonic acid. A diet that relies primarily on cold-water fish, as in the case of the Greenland Eskimos, lowers endogenous arachidonic acid and markedly increases the IPA content of tissue lipids. Thus, because IPA has the potential to act as an antagonist with arachidonic acid for platelet cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, the simultaneous release of IPA could suppress any residual arachidonic acid conversion to its aggregatory metabolites. The normal 2-series prostaglandin (PG) family is derived from arachidonic acid (AA; 5,8,11,14-icosatetraenoic acid). AA and its metabolites PGH2 and thromboxane A2 are potent stimulators of platelet aggregation. The fatty acid precursor of the 3-series PG family, 5,8,11,14,17-icosapentaenoic acid (IPA), can be enzymatically converted by sheep cyclooxygenase into the PG endoperoxide PGH3 (1, 2). Purified PGH3 in turn is converted by the appropriate enzyme source into thromboxane A3 or A'7-prostacyclin (PGI3) (2). The 3-series endoperoxide and thromboxane are less potent contractile agents on rabbit thoracic aorta strips than the corresponding 2-series compounds (i.e., PGH2 and thromboxane A2) (1), and similarly PGI3 relaxes isolated coronary arterial strips but is less potent than PGI2 (3). Surprisingly, the 3-series fatty acid (IPA), endoperoxide (PGH3), and thromboxane (thromboxane A3) do not induce aggregation in human platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) (1) and, furthermore, preincubation of human PRP with exogenous PGH3 or The publication costs of this article were defrayed i...