The present contribution provides a new approach to the design of energy momentum consistent integration schemes in the field of nonlinear thermo-elastodynamics. The method is inspired by the structure of polyconvex energy density functions and benefits from a tensor cross product that greatly simplifies the algebra. Furthermore, a temperature-based weak form is used, which facilitates the design of a structure-preserving time-stepping scheme for coupled thermoelastic problems. This approach is motivated by the general equation for nonequilibrium reversible-irreversible coupling (GENERIC) framework for open systems. In contrast to complex projection-based discrete derivatives, a new form of an algorithmic stress formula is proposed. The spatial discretization relies on finite element interpolations for the displacements and the temperature. The superior performance of the proposed formulation is shown within representative quasi-static and fully transient numerical examples.
KEYWORDSfinite element method, nonlinear thermo-elastodynamics, polyconvexity-based framework, structure-preserving discretization, tensor cross product
INTRODUCTIONThe present contribution aims for the consistent discretization of nonlinear thermo-elastodynamics. The emphasis of this paper is on both theoretical and numerical aspects. In recent decades, thermomechanical constitutive models have been addressed in numerous works (see, eg, the works of Miehe, 1 Holzapfel and Simo, 2 and Reese and Govindjee 3 as well as textbooks by Holzapfel 4 and Gonzalez and Stuart 5 ). Classically, the hyperelastic Helmholtz free-energy density function depends only on the deformation gradient and the temperature. Furthermore, the weak form is deduced from its strong form. Dependent on the chosen material model, eg, for a Mooney-Rivlin model, the consistent linearization may lead to cumbersome expressions. In contrast to the classic approach, the present work is inspired by the concept of polyconvexity (see, eg, the works of Ball 6 and Ciarlet 7 ), where the Helmholtz free energy is a convex function of the deformation gradient, its cofactor, and its determinant and is concave with respect to absolute temperature. In addition to the polyconvexity-based framework, the present work relies on the cross product between second-order tensors, as introduced in the work of de Boer 8 (see also Appendix B 4.9.3 in another work of de Boer 9 ). This tensor cross product has been used in the context of large-strain Int J Numer Methods Eng. 2018;115:549-577. 549 550 FRANKE ET AL.hyperelasticity in the works of Bonet et al 10,11 and remarkably simplifies the algebraic manipulation of the large-strain continuum formulation and is extended herein to the thermomechanical formulation. Furthermore, the polyconvexity-based framework makes possible a wide range of advanced finite element technologies in the context of continuum mechanics. For example, the introduction of mixed finite elements, 10,12 phase-field fracture models, 13 anisotropic...