LIBRARYThis book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. This report summarizes a 1985 timber resource inventory of the non-Federal forest land in the five counties (Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine) in southwest Oregon. Detailed tables of forest area, timber volume, growth, mortality, and harvest are presented.KEYWORDS: Forest surveys, statistics (forest), timber resources, resources (forest), Oregon (southwest).
SUMMARYThe southwest Oregon resource area totals 8,185,024 acres, of which non-Federal forest land totals 2,896,000 acres. An estimated 2,583,000 acres are classified as non-Federal timberland. The non-Federal timberland has an estimated 6.7 billion cubic feet of standing timber, and 64 percent of this volume is owned by forest industry. Table 3--Area of non-Federal stockable timberland by site class and owner, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986 Table 4--Area of non-Federal timberland by stand-size class and owner, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986
PREFACETable 5-Area of non-Federal timberland by forest type and owner, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986 Table 6--Area of non-Federal reserved timberland and other forest land by land class, forest type, and owner, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986 Table 7-Volume of timber on non-Federal timberland by class of timber and by softwoods and hardwoods, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986Table 8-Volume of growing stock and sawtimber on non-Federal timberland by owner and by softwoods and hardwoods, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986 Table 9-Volume of growing stock and sawtimber on non-Federal timberland by owner and county, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986Table 10--Volume of growing stock on non-Federal timberland by species and owner, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986Table 11-Volume of sawtimber on non-Federal timberland by species and owner, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986 Table 12--Volume of growing stock on non-Federal timberland by species and diameter class, southwest Oregon, January 1, 1986 1947-49, 1962, and 1973-74. Field data for all non-Federal forest lands were collected in the summer of 1985 by the Forest Inventory and Analysis Work Unit (FIA) of the Pacific Northwest Research Station. Data for the Federal timber resources-National Forest (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service) and Bureau of Land Management (U.S. Department of the Interior)--wil1 be presented, with the non-Federal data, in a later report.Scientific names of trees (Little 1979) are listed on page 8 of this report. See "Terminology" for definitions of terms used in this report.
INVENTORY PROCEDURESFor all non-Federal lands, the sampling design was double sampling for stratification (Cochran 1963). Owner group, major land classes (timberland, other forest, nonforest), and forest condition classes (stage of development, major type, broad stocking class) were identified on 8,240 photo points. This photo sample was subsampled with a grid of 511 field plots established in 1961 -62 and...