Abstract-In previous studies, of which several were underpowered, the relation between cardiovascular outcome and blood pressure (BP) variability was inconsistent. We followed health outcomes in 8938 subjects (mean age: 53.0 years; 46.8% women) randomly recruited from 11 populations. At baseline, we assessed BP variability from the SD and average real variability in 24-hour ambulatory BP recordings. We computed standardized hazard ratios (HRs) while stratifying by cohort and adjusting for 24-hour BP and other risk factors. Over 11.3 years (median), 1242 deaths (487 cardiovascular) occurred, and 1049, 577, 421, and 457 participants experienced a fatal or nonfatal cardiovascular, cardiac, or coronary event or a stroke.Higher diastolic average real variability in 24-hour ambulatory BP recordings predicted (PՅ0.03) total (HR: 1.14) and cardiovascular (HR: 1.21) mortality and all types of fatal combined with nonfatal end points (HR: Ն1.07) with the exception of cardiac and coronary events (HR: Յ1.02; PՆ0.58). Higher systolic average real variability in 24-hour ambulatory BP recordings predicted (PϽ0.05) total (HR: 1.11) and cardiovascular (HR: 1.16) mortality and all fatal combined with nonfatal end points (HR: Ն1.07), with the exception of cardiac and coronary events (HR: Յ1.03; PՆ0.54). SD predicted only total and cardiovascular mortality. While accounting for the 24-hour BP level, average real variability in 24-hour ambulatory BP recordings added Ͻ1% to the prediction of a cardiovascular event. Sensitivity analyses considering ethnicity, sex, age, previous cardiovascular disease, antihypertensive treatment, number of BP readings per recording, or the night:day BP ratio were confirmatory. In conclusion, in a large population cohort, which provided sufficient statistical power, BP variability assessed from 24-hour ambulatory recordings did not contribute much to risk stratification over and beyond 24-hour BP. (Hypertension. 2010;55:1049-1057.)Key Words: blood pressure variability Ⅲ ambulatory blood pressure Ⅲ population science Ⅲ risk factors Ⅲ epidemiology A mbulatory blood pressure monitoring not only provides information on the blood pressure level but on the diurnal changes in blood pressure as well. Blood pressure variability includes both short-term and circadian components, which can be estimated by the SD of the blood pressure values over a defined period of the day or by the night:day blood pressure ratio, respectively. We recently reported in Ͼ7000 subjects recruited from 6 populations on the prognos- Although the aforementioned analyses shed light on the association between outcome and long-term blood pressure variability, the predictive value of short-term reading-toreading blood pressure variability remains uncertain. Possible limitations of previous studies were a lack of statistical power, 2-5 selection of specific groups of patients, 5-7 categorization of variability by arbitrary cutoff points, 2,4,7-9 and sole reliance on fatal end points. 10,11 Moreover, various parameters can capture short-term b...