and S. Gorb, MPI fur Entwicklungsbiologie, Tiibingen, Germany Biological micro-and nanotribology is a new interdisciplinary field of research which draws on physics, chemistry, mechanics, and biology. The present work brings together information on friction, adhesion, and wear in biological systems and looks at applying this new knowledge to the design of, e.g., micro-electro-mechanical systems, the development of new types of monolayer lubrication, the invention of new adhesives, or the construction of artificial joints. Contents: Introduction; Physical principles of micro-and nanotribology; Biological frictional and adhesive systems; Frictional devices of insects; Microscale test equipment; Nanoscale probe techniques; Microscopy techniques; Samples, sample preparation, and tester set-up; Case study I: Indentation and adhesion; Case study 11: Friction; Case study 111: Material properties; Outlook; Appendix. ISBN 3-540-41 188-7 304 pp. hard cover E59.00 €79.95 Available from: Springer
Handbook of Inpared Spectroscopy of Ultrathin FilmsValeri P. Tolstoy, kina Chernyshova, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, and Valeri A. Skryshevsky, National Shevchenko University, Kiev, Ukraine This handbook will serve as an authoritative reference on the growing use of infrared (IR) spectrometry to characterise very thin films at extended interfaces. Providing practical information on experimental methods, up-to-date theory, and considerable reference data, it is requisite reading for those wanting to measure and interpret IR spectra of ultra-thin films.Full discussion of the theory underlying the techniques Detailed information on equipment and accessories The first compilation of longitudinal frequencies of different substances New approaches, such as Surface Enhanced IR spectroscopy (SEIR), time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy, and high-resolution microspectroscopy using synchotron radiation.