In-migrants' externally accumulated capital may influence path creation. Newcomer and returnee proprietors in Trinity use recombination, layering, and conversion to augment an existing branching innovating tourism trajectory.Civic-minded in-migrants helped create the path; their presence may be a precursor to private investment.Insufficient social, human, and economic capital may prevent economic transition in resource-dependent regions. Attraction of in-migrants with new perspectives and financial means may overcome this constraint and facilitate path creation in alternative industries. This paper seeks to determine if in-migrant proprietors initiate, or augment, cultural heritage tourism in transitioning rural regions. Trinity, Newfoundland and Labrador, is the setting for this study. Located on the Bonavista Peninsula, this former mercantile centre was once a hub in the historic Atlantic cod fishery, and today is one of the province's premier tourist destinations. To ascertain in-migrants' role in this transition, we contacted members of the business community and posed questions to reveal their characteristics, proprietorship routes, and tourism activities. Using a critical realism perspective, we identify trends (i.e., demi-regularities) in the information gathered, compare these empirical regularities to extant literature (i.e., abduction), and draw on documentation, and key informant interviews, to identify responsible conditions and generative mechanisms (i.e., retroduction). We find that counterurbanite proprietors are enhancing, rather than driving, an existing tourism trajectory, a situation we attribute to the earlier actions of civic-minded incomers, and local residents. Est-ce que les propri etaires qui sont des immigrants internes stimulent ou am eliorent le tourisme ax e sur le patrimoine culturel dans les collectivit es d ependantes des ressources transitionnelles ? Le cas de Trinity, a Terre-Neuve et Labrador Un capital social, humain et economique insuffisant peut empêcher la transition economique dans des r egions d ependantes des ressources. L'attraction d'immigrants internes qui ont de nouvelles id ees et des moyens financiers peut surmonter cet obstacle et faciliter la cr eation de trajectoires vers des industries de The Canadian Geographer Le Géographe canadien The Canadian Geographer Le Géographe canadien remplacement. Cet article cherche a d eterminer si les propri etaires qui sont des immigrants internes amorcent ou augmentent le tourisme ax e sur le patrimoine culturel dans les r egions rurales en transition. Trinity, a Terre-Neuve et Labrador, est l'endroit o u cette etude est effectu ee. Situ e sur la p eninsule de Bonavista, cet ancien centre commercial etait jadis un carrefour de la pêche a la morue de l'Atlantique et est aujourd'hui l'une des principales destinations touristiques de la province. Pour d eterminer le rôle des immigrants internes dans cette transition, nous avons communiqu e avec des membres du milieu des affaires et pos e des questions pour r ev eler leurs caract er...