We demonstrate practical accelerating gradients on a superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) accelerator cavity with cryocooler conduction cooling, a cooling technique that does not involve the complexities of the conventional liquid helium bath. A single cell 650 MHz Nb 3 Sn cavity coupled using high purity aluminum thermal links to a 4 K pulse tube cryocooler, generated accelerating gradients up to 6.6 MV/m at 100% duty cycle. The operation was carried out with the cavity-cryocooler assembly in a simple vacuum vessel, completely free of circulating liquid cryogens. We anticipate that this simple cryocooling technique will make the SRF technology accessible to accelerator researchers with no access to full-stack helium cryogenic systems. Furthermore, the technique can lead to SRF based compact sources of high average power electron beams for environmental and industrial applications.Electron irradiation is a proven technique for environmental protection applications such as the treatment of industrial/municipal wastewater, flue gases, sewage sludge, etc. and has been demonstrated on several pilot scale projects 1 . For electron irradiation to be competitive on the large scale with existing treatment methods, electron beam (e-beam) sources capable of providing beam energy of 1−10 MeV, megawattclass average beam power, and high wall-plug efficiency (>50%) are needed 2 . The sources must also be robust, reliable, and have turn-key operation to be viable in the harsh environment expected around these applications 2 . Compact sources with smaller footprints and lower infrastructure cost are also preferred.E-beam sources using superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities as the beam accelerator can meet several of the above requirements. A meter-long or even a shorter structure of standard niobium cavities 3 or of low-dissipation Nb 3 Sn cavities 4 , both of which easily generate accelerating gradients >10 MV/m, can be an electron source with the desired beam energy. The low surface resistance of SRF cavities reduces their surface losses and provides high efficiency transfer of the input RF power to the beam, which can help to achieve the wall-plug efficiency target. The low surface resistance also facilitates constructing cavities with a larger aperture and allows RF operation with 100% duty cycle (continuous wave or cw mode), both of which are favorable for generating and efficiently transporting beams of very high average power. SRF cavities, however, need operation at cryogenic temperatures and are conventionally cooled by immersion in baths of liquid helium held near 2−4.5 K. The cryogenic infrastructure 5 needed for compressing, liquefying, distributing, recovering, and storing helium as well as expert cryogenic operators 6 needed for oversight run counter to the robustness, high reliability, compactness, and turn-key operation desired in industrial settings.An approach to simplify the helium cryogenic infrastructure and reduce its footprint is to integrate a closed-cycle 4 K cryocooler into an SRF cryomodule and ...