With the advent of fast methods to significantly speed up numerical computation of large-scale realistic electromagnetic (EM) structures, EM design and optimization is becoming increasingly attractive. In recent years, genetic algorithms, neural network and evolutionary optimization methods have become increasingly popular for EM optimization. However, these methods are usually associated with a slow convergence bound and, furthermore, may not yield a deterministic optimal solution. In this paper, a new hybrid method using Kriging metamodeling in conjunction with the divided rectangles (DIRECT) global-optimization algorithm is used to yield a globally optimal solution efficiently. The latter yields a deterministic answer with fast convergence bounds and inherits both local and global-optimization properties. Three examples are given to illustrate the applicability of the method, i.e.,
shape optimization for a slot-array frequency-selective surface, antenna location optimization to minimize EM coupling from the antenna to RF devices in automobile structures, and multisensor optimization to satisfy RF coupling constraints on a vehicular chassisin the presence of a wire harness. In the first example, DIRECT with Kriging surrogate modeling was employed. In the latter two examples, the adaptive hybrid optimizer, superEGO, was used. In all three examples, emphasis is placed on the speed of convergence, as well as on the flexibility of the optimization algorithms. Index Terms-Coupling, DIRECT optimization algorithm, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic interference (EMI), finite element boundary integral (FE-BI), frequency-selective surface (FSS), Kriging metamodeling, Kriging surrogate modeling, multilevel fast multipole moment method (MLFMM), superEGO. Manuscript