90.71(3)", Z = 16, R = 0.052) contain tetrameric units of approximate S4 symmetry, in which the molecules are associated by means of four complementary N-H.. . N hydrogen bonds. [CH3Hg(7-azaindole)]N03 (P1 , a = 7.818(3), b = 7.884(3), c = 9.135(4) A, a = 97.89(3), P = 109.13(3), y = 103.28(3)", Z = 2, R = 0.039) contains well-separated nitrate ions and complex cations in which the methylmercury group is linearly bonded to the pyridine nitrogen atom, whereas the five-membered rin remains protonated. In the neutral [CH3Hg(azaindolate)] complex (PI, a = 10.926(10), b = 11.333(8),
8:c = 11.647(10) , a = 92.13(8), P = 104.83(9), y = 11 1.86(7)", Z = 6, R = 0.048), methylmercury groups have substituted the N-H proton in the five-membered ring for the three symmetry-independent molecules. Intermolecular secondary Hg . . . N bonds are found with pyridine nitrogens.Key words: azaindole, methylmercury, crystal structure. Chem. 68, 193 (1990). Introduction Purines and related rigid N-donor ligands have attracted our attention as potential binucleating agents for stabilizing pairs of bonded metal atoms via extended aromatic systems. 7 -~z a i n d o l e~ (Scheme 1) can be regarded as a simplified purine, retaining only a pair of nitrogen atoms properly arranged for bridging. We are currently examining its reactions with various dimetal units like M O~~+ , ~h~~+ , R U~~+ , ~e~~+ , etc. In a previous paper (I), we reported the structure of a dinuclear molybdenum system in which half of the carboxylates in M~~( a c e t a t e )~ had been replaced by bridging azaindole anions. We were able to interpret the X-ray data in terms of azaindole units disordered over two orientations, the positions of the fiveand six-membered rings being interchanged. Disorder probably resulted from the very similar van der Waals envelopes in these two orientations. The same situation has been-noted for complexes of Co, Ni, and Cu (2, 3), so that disorder in complexes of the azaindole anion is likely to be the rule rather than the exce~tion.
PASCAL DUFOUR, YVES DARTIGUENAVE, MICHBLE DARTIGUENAVE, NATHALIE DUFOUR, ANNE-MARIE LEBUIS, FRANCINEThe preseA study was undertaken to help solve some of the problems encountered with our dinuclear systems. The structure determination of azaindole was intended to provide an accurate