This study examined the previously unexplored occupational grade-specific relationships of domestic responsibilities, the age of children, and work-family spillover, with registered sickness absence (>3 days' sick leave episodes, a mean follow-up of 17 months; n = 18,366 municipal employees; 76% women). The results showed that negative spillover from work into family life predicted a heightened rate of sickness absence spells among both women and men in all occupational categories (except upper white-collar men), but especially among blue-collar and lower white-collar employees. Furthermore, among all white-collar employees (except upper white-collar men), having young children (<7 years of age) was predictive of an increased absence rate. Bearing the main responsibility for domestic work did not considerably predict sickness absenteeism in any occupational grade. The authors conclude that some specific work-family characteristics play a role in sickness absence, but their impact on sickness absence partly varies according to gender and occupational grade.
Conceptual models based on the importance of work autonomy for employees' health represent important cornerstones in the occupational well-being and work stress literature. The objectives of this study were to 1) explore and understand the temporal conditions framing work among autonomous knowledge professionals, 2) describe how autonomy is experienced in knowledge work jobs, and 3) analyze the implications of current autonomy for well-being in knowledge work. The interview study consisted of 21 women and 13 men who worked in knowledge-intensive jobs in Finland. Analysis of the material shows that knowledge work is structured by different levels of transverse temporal structures: individual and social structures, and organizational and macrolevel structures. This creates a paradoxical nature of autonomy among knowledge workers, characterized by high task autonomy and intense socio-temporal interdependence. One can have strong autonomy and be tied at the same time. Unsynchronized time structures can lead to fragmented work, overwhelming work burden, and higher risk of mental health symptoms. It would therefore be advisable to establish collective temporal structures in organizations that create manageability and predictability. We conclude that models of occupational well-being and work stress should pay more attention to the social structure and temporal interdependencies that characterize knowledge work.
Uudistuminen ja uudet ratkaisut voivat syntyä yllättävien sattumien kautta. Tähän liittyy käsite serendipisyys, jolla tarkoitetaan yksilön kohtaamaa yllättävää, sattuman ja viisauden ohjaamaa hyödyllistä havaintoa, ideaa, tietoa, esinettä tai ilmiötä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa serendipisyyskokemuksia eli onnekkaita löytöjä asiantuntijatyössä Suomessa sekä selvittää, missä onnekkaita löytöjä tehdään ja missä määrin ne liittyvät yksilön toimintatapaan ja missä määrin taas työyhteisön ilmapiiriin (psykologiseen turvallisuuteen) ja organisaatiokulttuuriin. Tutkimus pohjautuu vuonna 2019 toteutettuun asiantuntijakyselyyn (N = 1197). Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin muun muassa logistisia regressiomalleja. Tutkimuksen mukaan asiantuntijoista 54 prosenttia oli kohdannut onnekkaita löytöjä työssään melko tai hyvin usein, naiset miehiä useammin. Lisäksi serendipisyyskokemukset olivat selvästi yhteydessä työn sidoksisuuteen ja sosiaalisen median käyttöön työssä. Onnekkaita löytöjä tehtiin erityisesti työpaikan epämuodollisissa kohtaamisissa. Tutkimus osoitti, että serendipisyyskokemukset ovat vahvasti yhteydessä yksilön uudistavaan toimintatapaan mutta myös psykologiseen turvallisuuteen ja uudistavaan työkulttuuriin.
Aims: Higher incidence of psychotic disorders in high-income countries for migrants compared with the settled majority has been well established. However, it is less clear to what extent different migrants groups have accessed and utilised mental health care. This study aimed to identify the hazard of antipsychotic medication use in the largest migrant groups in Finland, compared with a Finnish-born comparison group, using high quality datasets maintained by Statistics Finland and Social Insurance Institution Finland, and linking socio-demographic and -economic characteristics to antipsychotic prescription purchases. Methods: The study draws on a representative sample of 33% of the adult working-age population of Finland in 2005 ( n = 1,059,426, 50.2% male, 2.5% migrant). The use of antipsychotic drugs was followed-up from 2005 to 2014. Results: The results show that the hazard of antipsychotic medication purchases differed between migrant groups, with a higher hazard for migrants from North Africa and the Middle East before socio-economic adjustment (men HR 1.19, 95% CI 1.04–1.37; women HR 1.37, 95% CI 1.12–1.66), and a lower hazard for all migrant groups after adjustment for socio-economic characteristics compared with the Finland-born population. Conclusions: The findings suggest that attention should be paid to the lower use of medication for psychotic disorders in some migrant groups, as well as the potential role of social disadvantage for migrants from North Africa and Middle East.
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