Objectives/Hypothesis: We investigated growth patterns and pathological features in intermediate-size laryngeal carcinoma amenable to supraglottic laryngectomy.Study design: Retrospective cohort study. Methods: We reviewed patients who underwent an open partial horizontal laryngectomy (OPHL) type I. We analyzed pathological data, tumor sizes, overall survival, disease-specific survival, local control, and laryngeal preservation. Results were stratified between three groups: group I comprised patients with endolaryngeal carcinoma, group II comprised patients with anterior epilaryngeal carcinoma who underwent an OPHL type I + base of tongue (BOT), group III comprised patients with lateral epilaryngeal carcinoma who underwent an OPHL type I + pyriform sinus (PIR).Results: Sixty-eight patients were analyzed. The 5-year rates of overall survival, disease-specific survival, local control, and laryngeal preservation were 68.4%, 83.7%, 91.6%, and 98.3%, respectively. The tumor sizes at pathological examination were similar between the three groups (mean 27 mm, P = .80) and were associated with pathological features, notably preepiglottic space (PES) invasion (24.9 mm vs. 32.2 mm, P = .01), occult invaded lymph nodes (22.6 mm vs. 29.9 mm, P = .03), and trends for margins status (26.5 mm vs. 29.3 mm, P = .45). The risks of PES invasion, occult lymph nodes, and positive margins, respectively, predominated in group I (41.7%), group II (56.3%), and group III (23.3%).
Conclusion:In intermediate-size tumors amenable to supraglottic laryngectomy, pathological features are associated with tumor size according to group stratification based on tumor location.