We study the existence/nonexistence of positive solution to the problem of the type:where Ω is a smooth bounded domain in R N , N ≥ 5, a, b, f are nonnegaive functions satisfying certain hypothesis which we will specify later. µ, λ are positive constants. Under some suitable conditions on functions a, b, f and the constant µ, we show that there exists λ * > 0 such that when 0 < λ < λ * , (P λ ) admits a solution in W 2,2 (Ω) ∩ W 1,2 0 (Ω) and for λ > λ * , it does not have any solution in W 2,2 (Ω) ∩ W 1,2 0 (Ω). Moreover as λ ↑ λ * , minimal positive solution of (P λ ) converges in W 2,2 (Ω) ∩ W 1,2 0 (Ω) to a solution of (P λ * ). We also prove that there existsλ * < ∞ such that λ * ≤λ * and for λ >λ * , the above problem (P λ ) does not have any solution even in the distributional sense/very weak sense and there is complete blow-up. Under an additional integrability condition on b, we establish the uniqueness of positive solution of (P λ * ) in W 2,2 (Ω)∩ W 1,2 0 (Ω).Keywords: Semilinear biharmonic equations, singular potential, navier boundary condition, existence/nonexistence results, blow-up phenomenon, stability results, uniqueness of extremal solution 1 1 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35B09, 35B25, 35B35, 35G30, 35J91.