Please note that the x axis labeling in Fig. 6 (D and E) was inadvertently cropped. The html and pdf versions are correct. The corrected fi gure is shown below. The top profi les show CD4 ϩ T cells from one RM with attenuated SIVmac239( ⌬ nef) infection (PID 387; pvl ϭ 5,200 copies/ml) and one with progressive SIVmac239 infection (PID 579; pvl ϭ 3,800,000 copies/ml), indicating the gating of proliferating (Ki-67 ϩ ) CD4 ϩ memory T cells. The bottom profi les show the representation of T CM cells (CD28 ϩ ; CCR5 Ϫ ) versus total T EM cells (including CD28 ϩ , CCR5 ϩ transitional T EM cells, and CD28 Ϫ /CCR5 dimϩ mature T EM cells) within the proliferating CD4 ϩ memory compartment. (C) The fi gure shows cross-sectional analysis of the fractional representation of total T EM cells (as in A) in 10 SIV Ϫ RMs, 7 RMs with early plateauphase SIVmac239 infection (PID 105; median pvl ϭ 5,300,000 copies/ml), 8 RMs with late plateau-phase SIVmac239 infection (PID 533 -878; median pvl ϭ 660,000 copies/ml), and 12 RMs with controlled SIV infection: 9 infected with SIVmac239( ⌬ nef) (PID 154 -390; pvls Ͻ 400 copies/ml) and 3 spontaneous controllers of SIVmac239 (PID 105 -147: pvls Ͻ 4,000 copies/ml). Differences were assessed by unpaired t test. (D) The profi les show the fractional representation of T EM cells among proliferating (Ki-67 ϩ ) CD4 ϩ memory T cells from PLNs from an RM 5 d before SIVmac239 infection, at PID 150 (immediately before ART; pvl ϭ 4,400,000 copies/ml), and at 4 (pvl ϭ 180,000) and 8 d (pvl ϭ 87,000) after ART initiation. (E) The profi les show the fractional representation of T EM cells among proliferating (Ki-67 ϩ ) CD4 ϩ memory T cells from the blood of an SIVmac239-infected RM at PID 105 (immediately before ART; pvl ϭ 3,000,000 copies/ml) and days 4 (pvl ϭ 220,000 copies/ml), 10 (pvl ϭ 170,000 copies/ml), and 17 (pvl ϭ 24,000 copies/ml) after ART. The arrow indicates the development of a fully mature CD4 ϩ T EM cell population.