10064 Background: Neoadjuvant ipilimumab and nivolumab induces high pathologic response rates of 74-78% (OpACIN and OpACIN-neo trial), thus the role of Therapeutic Lymph Node Dissections (TLND) in patients with major pathologic responses (MPR: pathological (near) complete response) is now unclear. In the PRADO trial, TLND was omitted in patients with MPR in their index lymph node ((ILN), the largest LN marked prior to neoadjuvant therapy). We sought to determine if less extensive surgery is associated with better Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL). These are the first results of the comparison of HRQoL between patients undergoing a TLND or less extensive ILN excision. Methods: HRQoL was assessed with the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer QoL questionnaire-C30 (QLQ-C30). A generalized estimation equation was used to assess the difference in HRQoL outcomes between patients who underwent TLND (pathological non- and partial-responders, pNR/pPR) versus those who did not (pathological (near)complete responders, pNCR/pCR). Differences were adjusted for age, gender and follow-up (FU, in weeks), but not for pathological responses (pNR, pPR, pNCR & pCR). Differences in QLQ-C30 scores were classified as clinically important according to published guidelines. Results: A total of 49 patients from the PRADO study had reached at least 24 weeks FU, and were included in the first explorative analysis. The median age of this study population was 58 years (range, 22-84). Questionnaire completion rates were high: 94% at baseline, 100%, 90%, 88% at week 6, 12 and 24, respectively. Sixteen (33%) patients underwent TLND versus 33 (67%) who had ILN excision only. Over a FU period of 24 weeks, patients who underwent TLND scored significantly lower on global (68 vs 78, adjusted difference (diff) = -9.53, p = .005), physical (84 vs 94 diff = -11.1, p = < .001), emotional (69 vs 83, diff = -11.7, p = .001), role (70 vs 85, diff = -13, p = .004), and social functioning (81 vs 91, diff = -8.9, p = .016) and had a higher symptom burden of fatigue (35 vs 23, diff = 11.1, p = .004), insomnia (38 vs 18, diff = 16.6, p = .002) and financial impact (12 vs 4, diff = 7.9, p = .027) than patients undergoing ILN excision only. These differences were indicated as clinically relevant. Conclusions: First results from PRADO suggest that reducing the extent of surgery following neoadjuvant immunotherapy might result in better HRQoL of high-risk stage III melanoma patients. Clinical trial information: NCT02977052.