Decision making in planning should consider state-of-the-art techniques in order to minimize the risk and time involved. Proper planning in developing countries is crucial for their economical recovery and prosperity. Proper database systems, such as the ones based on GIS, are a must for developing countries so that they can catch up and build effective and interactive systems in order to modernize their infrastructures and to help improve the standard of living of their citizens. The huge and fast advancement in computing and information technology make it easy for the developing countries to build their database infrastructures. GIS-technology is one of the best and fastest tools to build such systems, manage resources, encourage businesses, and help to make efficient and cost-effective decisions. For the purpose of a better informed decision making in planning the improvement of the Bank of Jordan in the city of Amman, Jordan, we had to build a database system and a digital map for the city of Amman, the Bank of Jordan, its branches in Amman, and all other banks and their branches in Amman. We used the popular Geomedia software to allow an interactive time-saving data management; to offer the ability to perform different analysis, including statistical ones; and to provide graphical geospatial results on maps. By using Geomedia software, we built many layers needed for the planning processes and mainly for the region of Amman due to the lack of available digital data in the area. Some layers concern the project and relate to the bank, such as the geographic distribution of the Bank of Jordan branches and its ATMs; and others for the comparison, such as the geographic distribution of all other banks, their branches, and ATMs in Amman. This is to allow the decision makers to compare with all competitive banks in Amman. Besides the geographic location of all existing banks, important attribute data are provided for the Bank of Jordan in specific and all the other banks in general (Batty et al., 1994a, 1994b; Burrough et al., 1980; Doucette et al., 2000; Elmasri & Navathe, 2004; Goodchild, 2003; Longley et al., 1999a, 1999b).